Fishing Charter

Costarica fishing charterThings to Know About Fishing Charter

Recreation is an essential factor in the life of every human being. The anglers or the fishermen represent the largest single group of recreational seekers, and have a decided advantage over the other groups who utilize nature’s creatures and elements for recreation or food.

The popularity of fishing in many areas has been largely based upon the angling pressure, which is far beyond the normal capacity of the streams and lakes. There are species of fish for every type of angler and each one may choose the species of fish or the method of fishing that has the greatest personal appeal or attraction.

It is for this reason that many people are enticed to spend their vacation in a fishing activity. But, for people who would like to have planned fishing activities, they opt for fishing charters.

Fishing charter is one way of enjoying fishing even if an individual does not have the means or the equipment as far as fishing is concerned. It aims to provide the necessary services in a fishing activity.

However, not all fishing charters are created equal. Hence, it is important to know the factors required to be taken into account before jumping into conclusions.

Here is a list of some mportant factors that need to be considered:

1. The cost of the trip

Like any financial decision, people who would like to use fishing charter should know the required charges of the trip.

It is best to know the necessary requirements like deposits or contract agreements before committing to a fishing charter.

Best of all, people should be aware of the items they are paying for. They should know what the kinds of services included on the package are.

2. The length of time required in each charter trip.

Most captains are enticed to do a little fishing before going back to the dock. This will not pose a problem at all but if it will cost the person, who requested the service, additional charges for extra minutes or hours spent beyond the agreed number of hours, then, that is a problem.

Hence, it is important for the individual to know what time the charter will start and end.

3. The captain

It is important for a person who wants to engage in a fishing charter to know the competency and the skills of the captain. Hence, in order to have a successful fishing activity, it is best to get the experienced captain.

A fishing charter is one way of enjoying fishing at its best.

Fishing boats buying tips

boatTips on Buying Fishing Boats

Selecting and acquiring the ideal fishing boat is a real art for someone who has already gone through many experiences as far as boating is concerned. However, it can be a daunting task to those who have not yet experienced buying a fishing boat.

To make the activity easier for the first timers, here is a list of tips that they can use when choosing an ideal fishing boat.

1. It is important to consider the purpose of the fishing boat.

Buying a fishing boat has only one purpose: to be used in fishing. However, before choosing the perfect fishing boat, it is important to consider also the other purposes.

First, the place where the fishing boat will be used should be taken into account. Will it be in the ocean or in other bodies of water like lakes?

Second, the time of the day it will be used. Will it be for day trips or for overnight fishing activities?

If the fishing boat will be used for ocean cruising and overnight stays, it would be better to buy a fishing boat that has a hull. This is specifically designed for rough waters. This design is meant to ride with the waves, hence, providing more comfort to anglers while on board.

2. The budget

When buying a fishing boat, it is important to know if the buyer can afford to acquire a boat. Fishing boats, or any boat for that matter, can be very expensive. Hence, the buyer should know how far his budget would go as far as fishing boat prices are concerned.

3. The warranties

It is extremely important to know if the fishing boat has a warranty. It should be analyzed and meticulously scrutinized because not all warranties are created equal.

Hence, it is best to buy a fishing boat from dealers that will provide the necessary services in case their product is found to be defective.

4. The certification

When buying a fishing boat, it is important to take note if it is certified by the “National Marine Manufacturers Association” or the NMMA. This agency guarantees that the certification they give to every boat manufacturer is a guarantee that the fishing boat had passed the agency’s standard of excellence.

The bottom line is that, people should do more than just look around when choosing the ideal fishing boat. They should learn how to look for the important details in order to ensure that the boat they have acquired is definitely worth their money.

Fishing Without Bait

Have you ever left the dock and headed out to fish after forgetting your bait?

How many of us have ever left the dock and headed out to fish only to find you left the bait in a cooler on the dock? It’s a long ride back to the dock, and at the price of fuel today, it makes it very expensive to head back and retrieve it.
I have left my bait on several occasions over the years. There were also some days when there was no bait to be found! There are some solutions to a dilemma like this. Being prepared ahead of time can allow you to fish without retrieving that bait.

I always keep several items on the boat. These are things I only remove when I do a complete cleaning, and I make sure they are stowed on the boat again before I finish. They include several Sabiki rigs in a variety of sizes, an unbreakable jar of salt-hardened shrimp pieces, and a cast net.

The Sabiki rigs are a staple item on my boat for catching live bait. The shrimp is what I use to tip my bucktail jigs, and it also can be used alone to catch small fish for bait. The cast net is, of course, the major bait catching item. I keep it stowed in a two gallon plastic bucket, always ready when a school of baitfish comes around.

Improvising also plays an important role on one of these days. I remember one trip in particular when I was growing up in Key West. We had a small skiff and outboard – an 11 hp Wizard from Western Auto – and we did a lot of trolling for barracuda. We trolled because the boat leaked so badly we could only anchor for a few minutes at a time.

The boat was tied to some mangroves in a small creek. A fishing trip entailed buying bait, usually three pounds of whole mullet, and taking all our gear to the boat.

On this particular day, we managed to leave the mullet on the counter at the bait shop. We discovered this fact after we had left the creek and run to the small islands near Sawyer Key, around which we planned to troll. With no bait, my father took his shirt and undershirt off. He tore several strips of cloth from his white undershirt. They were about ten inches long and two inches wide.

Normally we would have taken one filet from the side of a mullet and cut it in half long ways to make two strip baits. This strip bait would be placed on a tandem double hook rig, and trolled slowly behind the boat. Barracuda on the grass flats around these islands could not resist bait like this.

Today, we took the cloth strips and hooked them up just like we did the mullet baits. In short order, we had several fish in the boat. The belly of a barracuda is very nice and white, and my father did not wait very long to slice a few strip baits from the fish we had caught.

It turned out to be a good day, even “without bait”. I even went to “Show and tell” at school the next Monday to tell everyone how we had caught fish on a piece of cloth!

Next time you're on the water with no bait, try a little innovation. It just might work!

fishing bait

green wormsWhat is Fishing Bait?

There is such an assortment of bait that it is difficult to recommend any particular color, size, or type as the best. There are more than a thousand good baits on the market. All will catch fish at some time or another.

Fishing baits usually weigh from ¼ to an ounce to three ounces. The most popular weight preferred by the majority of bait casters is the 5/8-ounce bait, while the average is between ½ and 3 quarters of an ounce. Baits can either be used as a whole or cut into chunks. Anglers can also use dead or live baits.

The Different Types of Bait

There is a wide array of organisms being used as fishing baits. Among the different types used in fishing, the commonly used are the small fishes. These consist of widely used fishing baits such as herring, anchovies, menhaden, and some others that are inborn to certain local waters. Larger fishes are usually used as chunk baits.

Fishing baits can be used whole, chunk, and strips, based on the activities of the type of fishes being chased. The size of the fishing bait is usually well matched with the size of the fish being hunted. Other common organisms used for bait fishing are crabs, worms, shrimps, crabs, clams, sand fleas, eels, and squid. Among all of the organisms mentioned, the crabs and the shrimps are the well-liked organisms to be used as fishing baits.

Shrimp are favorably used as fishing bait and are considered to be very valuable bait for a huge number of saltwater fish, especially those that are considered “inshore fish” like redfish, speckled trout, shook, and a lot more.

Whereas, various crab species, especially the fiddler crab, sand flea, and the blue crab, are perfect fishing baits for many varieties of “inshore fishes” and “bottom fish.” These crabs are usually clasped through their shell, usually on either the right or left of the head.

How to Acquire Fishing Bait?

Fishermen can acquire fishing bait either buying them in bait shops or simply by capturing it themselves.

The advantage of buying fishing bait is convenience, while catching live fishing bait is less expensive and can be more effective in luring fish. Digging for earthworms is another activity. Earthworms make an excellent bait.

Indeed, when it comes to bait fishing, using the proper fishing bait are important and imperative to the success of fishing. Hence, anglers should know the basics of choosing fishing baits in order to save time and money.

Worms as Bait

Worms are a natural bait for both fresh and saltwater fish. Beach worms and Blood worms make ideal baits for saltwater fish while the common garden worms will catch most species of freshwater fish.

Two methods of attaching worms to hooks work best. The first is to simply thread the hook down through the centre of the worm leaving a 1-2 cm tag each end and lifting the upper portion up over the hooks eye and onto the line, using a small half hitch to hold it in place.

The second method is to thread the worm onto the hook leaving loops or folds. Again leave tags of about 1-2cm each end and use a half hitch at the top to hold the worm up in place. Using this method a number of worms can be placed onto the single hook providing a larger mass of bait 
and an excellent bait presentation for larger fish.

Teknik susun umpan

TEKNIK memasang umpan juga penting untuk menarik perhatian ikan. Ini kerana cara menyusun serta meletakkan umpan turut diambil kira supaya mangsa lebih cepat memakan umpan.

Menghimpunkan jumlah umpan yang banyak terutama cacing pada mata kail antara teknik yang boleh digunakan ketika memancing air tawar untuk memikat penghuni sungai ataupun tasik. Cacing adalah antara umpan paling berkesan untuk kebanyakan ikan air tawar. Ia mungkin digunakan seekor atau beberapa ekor sekali gus seperti gambar rajah berikut.

Fishing as a hobby

fishing as a hobbyThe recreational Value of Fishing

Many people consider that fish are only a medium of survival, or to some extent a food supply; yet there is another angle that is little known. The manufacturing industry utilizes more than two billion pounds of fish and fish by-products every year. This is slightly more than is used for food.

What most people do not know is that fishing continues to provide recreational activity of making it one of the most preferred hobbies.

In fact, fishing as a hobby is continuously growing and that is why the estimated number of people who acquire fishing licenses each year is more than 12 million.

Moreover, surveys show that for every dollar spent for a fishing license, there are sixteen dollars spent for equipment, such as fishing tackle, food, clothing, and transportation. There is more money spent on fishing than on any other hobby in existence.

Why is it a Great Hobby?

It is a means of providing something to free the mind and body of the worries of the day. It has also been proven to help in mentoring troubled teens, replacing negative thoughts and activity with more positive traits and pursuits. Fishing is truly a wholesome sport.

The use of all types of fishing equipment has added something that no other feature could possibly accomplish. Thousands of youngsters are enthusiastic to learn how to cast a fly or plug bait.

These youngsters have an interest in fish and fishing and they desire to fish in a lawful and recreational manner.

Boiled down, fish and fishing may be considered one of man’s essential resources. It is hoped that further realization of fishing as a hobby will develop the necessary knowledge of the true recreational value of fishing, the fish, and the general conservation of all natural resources as well as the value of good sportsmanship and developing good citizens.

Fishing as Family Activity

Many people love to go fishing, instead of playing tennis or golf. Others make it their primary sport activity together with their families and friends to relieve boredom and stress. Surveys say that more than 50 million Americans love to go fishing and make it their lifestyle option instead of other sports.

In Alabama, fishing represents a substantial impact on the state economy. Hundreds of millions of dollars are represented and about 20,000 people list fishing as their source of livelihood. However, most people consider it as a form of relaxation and a family activity. In general, it is a lifestyle option.

In the book titled “The Incomplete Psychology of Everyday Fishing;” psychologist Paul G. Quinnett dedicated an entire chapter about fishing as a source to relieve stress. In the chapter, “Ethics of Fishing” he points out that a person must appreciate and enjoy the benefits of nature. He also highlighted that fishing correct is a way for an individual to become more disciplined in his lifestyle.

“Family Life First,” an organization dedicated to introducing how to spend useful family time to parents for their children, have factual data that in the past 20 years, 25 percent of a child’s playing time has decreased. Outdoor activities, where most children spend their playing time, have also declined by 50 percent. Since 1969 to 1996, 22 percent of family time activities have lessened proven by the study of the White House Council of Economic Advisers.

Any fruitful time to interact with your children is time worth investing. Fishing is a way to connect. The quality time you get is really worth the effort. The experience you get by catching fish is what makes it wonderful to enjoy and that is the important part of fishing. There are 23 public fishing lakes having plenty of fish waiting to be caught. All children can experience the excitement and adventure of fishing. You will always remember the very first time you caught a fish, and the parent who showed you how to catch it. You gain enjoyable and learning experiences from fishing that makes it a great family activity.

Alabama, for example, promotes its lakes and open banks as places best for fishing. You do not even need a boat to catch fish. There are also stores where you can find what you need for fishing. You may bring your family with you and the time of being together and enjoying the fun of fishing is the best family activity you could have.

fishing 101

Fishing 101Learning how to Fish

You have decided that you want to learn to fish. There are several ways of learning, the hardest being trial and error. It would be best to find an instructor for one-on-one lessons.

1. Buy seasickness medication

Nothing is worse than ruining your fishing because of seasickness. Most seasickness medication e.g. Bonine would be fine. Even seasoned fishermen are known to take some on rough days. Take one before you go to sleep, another when you wake up and a third one before you board.

2. Buy a reference book

A lot of good books are available at your bookstores and online. The book should give you instructions as well as terms and definitions. Some things you may not immediately understand but you should know anyway. Learn how to tie different kinds of knots. This knowledge will be invaluable for other purposes throughout your life.

3. Go to a party

There are party boats that carry from fifteen to as many as sixty anglers. The boat provides everything like bait, rod, reel, sinkers and hooks. They assist you in fishing and take the fish off the hook for you. Mates will spot you and will generally stay close to assist you. Party boats generally will cost you $25 - $70 a day, and the fish are yours to keep. The party boat is a bargain for beginners.

4. Pick your pier

Assuming you have already acquired skills to operate a rod and reel, you need to look for a fishing pier.
Majority of coastal cities have one public pier or pay-to-fish pier. You can rent tackle and buy bait at the piers. If you're having trouble, there are many pier anglers willing to help and give you tips.

5. Party or pier

You may want to do either step three or four or both at this point. The best thing to do is to do both several times to really learn.

6. The reel deal

The conventional reel is probably what you're using up to this point. The conventional reel is designed for a lot of wear and tear. You may now want to consider other types and makes of reels. Ideally you have met people and perhaps made a friend or two who can assist you in selecting a reel. You can even ask a tackle shop owner for tips.

You need to understand the mechanics of the reel and the other equipment. Learning to cast, tie knots and bait are not that complicated. Secondly, you need to learn where to fish. Successful fishermen know where the fish are located. Fish move from place to place and knowledgeable anglers understand these patterns and are able to anticipate where the fish are located.

Fishing Games Download

Catch a boatload of fishy fun in this original arcade challenge! Load up the RV and crisscross the country in a series of tournaments that will put your angling prowess to the test. Cast your line in colorful locations like Bullhorn Lake, Golden Corn Lake, Wicked Mansion Lake, and more. Catch fish to earn points and climb to the top of the rankings in the amateur, pro, and elite circuits.

Your fellow fishers are sure to keep you on your toes, but watch out for surprises swimming just below the surface that will slow you down. Featuring innovative gameplay, colorful full-screen graphics, and hours of fun for the whole family, Fishing Craze is no fish-tale ... it's the real thing! Catch it today!

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Live Prawns

To attach live prawns, carefully pass the hooks point under the first shell section after the tail. Do not attempt to go for more as the prawn will die. Live prawns are gulfed down by all fish and your hook will take.If your fortunate enough to be able to gather live prawns, your fishing experience is sure to be successful.

They make an excellent bait for virtually every estuary species and many ocean going species too.You'll need a good aerator and continual water changes to keep them alive. If they die, freeze them immediately, however, once thawed, they do not re freeze well.Dead prawns are simply attached by threading the hook up through the body from tail to head.

Deep Sea Fishing Tips

Deep sea fishing secretsDeep sea fishing is a wonderful and extremely enjoyable activity. Here are some tips that will make your salt water fishing adventure even better.

1. Watch the signs

If you see birds e.g. Seagulls that are feasting on small bait-type fishes, there are probably larger game-type fish below the surface of the water. Also, look for floating wood or debris. In most cases when you chance upon a large floating wood, you would find a large game fish in the area even encountering dolphin.

2. Stop, Snook and Listen

Fishing for snooks is quite similar as fishing for bass. Snooks like to be around ledges, posts and rocks.

3. Crabs for full moon

During full moons use soft crab imitations as bait. That's the time when crabs shed their shells and stripers come looking for them.

4. If you're looking for tunas, find the dolphins

Yellowfin tuna are usually found schooling with dolphins. So if you see a group of dolphins, chances are there are some tuna in the area.

5. Cut and Burn

If you have trouble cutting through a spiderwire braid, try using a lighter or a match.

6. Good Reef

The best place to fish is near reefs since big game fish feed on fish that live on reefs.

7. The Circle Hook

Use a circle hook if you would like a higher hook up ratio. These hooks guarantees more catch, because of the minute gap, and the reverse point. They are generally better for the fish since they do not hook in the gut just the lip.

8. Don’t have sea legs

Watch the horizon and stay on deck. These would generally help you if you're having trouble with sea sickness: Stay away from the boat fumes, breathing it only exacerbates the problem.

9. Anchors away

When your anchor is stuck at the bottom, try attaching a float to it. Return after the tide has changed in direction. This should be enough to loosen the anchor.

10. Fish where the fish are

A lot of fisherman have the idea that they should be catching their live baits over the reefs before going to deep waters. If the live baits are not in the area you're planning to catch the larger games, then why would you come up with the idea that the large fish are there. Wouldn't they be in the area where the bait fish are?

Cooking your caught fish to perfection

The Best Way To Cook Your Freshly Caught Fish

A freshly caught fish can be cooked in a thousand and one ways. Any fisherman worth his salt has his own unique way of cooking a freshly caught trout, salmon or whatever fish he caught. So fisherman all across the country has been handed down methods of cooking fish. Here are some tips to get the best out of your fish.


Breading and frying a freshly caught fish is as good as it gets. The smell of butter emanating from the frying pan and the flair a fisherman puts in flipping his catch is worth its weight in gold, almost. For the novice fisherman, make sure that the butter is extra hot but not yet burning. Also, make sure that the fish is well coated in batter. Season your batter to your heart's content, salt and pepper never goes wrong. You may want to try other herbs and spices with the batter for a more delicious fish.


At first glance, grilling would seem to be the easiest way to handle your fish. A newbie might assume that grilling fish is the same as grilling steaks or burgers. Unlike fowl or cattle, fish tends to secret most of its own juices when cooked. On a grill the delicious juice drips into the coals.

To prevent losing the moisture, first coat the fish with oil. The oil will seal a part of the moisture inside. Second, keep an eye on the fillets and turn them as soon as a cut would reveal that the fresh fish is cooked halfway through. After being flipped, watch the fish carefully. Remove the fish as soon as it is cooked through.

An option to basting the fish with oil is to wrap it in aluminum foil. The aluminum foil will keep the moisture and marinate the fish in its own moisture. Placing herbs and spices inside the foil with the fish enhances the grilling process and the fish itself.


Baking is the best option for the fisherman who does not want to watch over the fish during cooking. The fisherman can prepare the marinade and pre-heat the oven, then pop the fish into the oven for a predetermined amount of time. You may want to check on the fish from the time to time, ensuring that you don't overcook the fish.

Whatever fish you caught, a good recipe and proper cooking will for sure enhance the catch. Take time to prepare for cooking, a badly cooked fish will no doubt spoil your day. Remember the first rule of cooking, don't overcook your fish.


Cooking freshly caught fish

Cooking FishFresh Caught Fish Cooking Preparation

To maintain the delicate flavor of a newly caught freshwater or saltwater fish, this must be handled properly to avoid spoilage. Not to mention preserving the fish with pleasing odor. There are ways to properly prepare and maintain the quality just after the catch of the fish into a sumptuous fishmeal. Check out the tips below:

1) As soon as the fish lands avoid any contact with hard surfaces to prevent bruising. It should be washed immediately by hosing or bucket rinsing in order to remove the slime and possible bacteria that cause spoilage. Never use water from close proximity marinas, municipal or industrial discharges. To make sure, always use potable water instead.

2) Simply chill the fish to prevent deterioration in less than an hour. With a little advance planning, proper icing can be accomplished with the use of some relatively cheap equipment. Fish should be stored in coolers and should be well chilled. It should be 3" deep, thus, covering a pound of fish with pound of ice. Use chlorinated water per quart of water for the final rinsing.

3) Clean the fish as soon as possible. Their tissues are sterile but not their scales, which contains many types of bacteria. When cleaning fish, avoid rough treatment because wounds in the flesh can allow the spread of bacteria. Gutting the fish does not have to be necessarily long. It is wise to cut the belly, as it leaves no blood or viscera in the body. Make sure not to soak cleaned fish fillets in a prolonged freshwater as this could reduce the meat texture and flavor.

4) The eating quality and nutritional value of fish can be maintained up to 5 days if properly cleaned. Washing of the hands before touching the fish is also important. No matter what fish and the cooking technique used, one golden rule is to be followed always. Whether it is whole or not, cook exactly 10 minutes for every inch measured. 15 minutes should be allotted to fish enclosed in foil or sauce baked. Double the time for frozen fish.

Allow extra time if fish will be baked while packed in an aluminum foil and allow extra time for the penetration of the heat. That should be an additional 5 minutes for fresh fish and 10 for frozen. In thawing frozen fish, slowly thaw in the fridge for 24 hours or let the wrapped fish be run under cold water not at room temperature. Do not thaw a fish that's frozen before cooking as it may make it mushy and dry.

Choosing the right fishing equipment

“Fishing Kit Basics”

Before going deeper into the technicalities, make sure that a fishing license is secured. To be an amateur fisherman there are basic pieces of fishing equipment needed to complete your exciting journey in the fishing world. Knowing the line type and matching the right rod and reel to the fishing technique is just basic common sense. Match these tools appropriately and expect a more enjoyable experience for a more comfortable fishing. There are several things that causes the reel to turn into a bird's nest, don't worry, even experienced fishermen encounter this every now and then.

The main objective is to match the rod, the reel, the line and the lure. These will only cost a newbie around $25 to $40 and they could last for years. The 3 main issues when shopping for a rod are: Guides that are attached to the rod; Grip or handle holds the rod and could come in either cork or foam. They come in different lengths so the comfort to the user must be considered; and the reel seat where the reel is connected.

Dealers make a lot of fishing rods that could either be single or consist of two or more pieces when assembled. The connection is very simple; just connect the male and female ends together to make sure the guides are lined up. This would only last for a minutes. Sometimes, lubricants are needed. When shopping for a rod, slightly bend it to get the feel of it. Again comfort should be considered when using the equipment.

Rods of any type will work. It should be around 6' long and medium weight. Even a long stick will work. This should be long, straight and flexible so it will not easily break. The most popular rod is Graphite because it is so light yet so strong. Wispy rods should be up to 4m long to be used for long casts in moderate winds.

There are a lot of fishing lines to choose from and it can be very confusing to find the best. It is mostly made of nylon and "monofilament" that comes in spools of different lengths that are called Tests. The larger the fishing line the thicker it is in diameter. Find a piece of a 4lb. or 4 lb. Test that is almost 10' long for the basic rig.

The basic rule is that all the gears should match. To summarize your fishing kit, it should include other stuff as well: net, stringer, line clippers, fishing knife, first aid box, a pail of bait, sunglasses, fishing hat, and talking about the basics, don't forget your SNACKS!