Happy new year!

2009 has been a great year, the birth of my son in november has been the greatest experience ever. In january, the first day of the year we sold our apartment close to the hart of Bodø in advantage of a house we bought on new year`s eve on the island of saltstraumen. Waking up every day to the pure and fresh enviroment close to the sea is something that I will not regret for a second. Now that we were about to live in such a place as this I needed a bigger boat, so I turned my nose south and travelled to the area around Oslo where trolling is the game and I bought this Ryds 600bf, a 20ft boat build for sportfishing with downriggers and Raymarine electronics. Many hours and lots of gasoline has given me more sea to fish. -trolling for seatrout and halibut and deep sea fishing for other species.

My greatest achievements in fishing this year.
In may I managed to catch a 42lbs halibut fishing from the shore in the fjord of skjerstad, I have been trying to do this for five-six years now and finally it came throught. Flyfishing for seatrout in the sea gave me a fish with the weight of about 5lbs, but it was the fishing and everything around me and in the sea that makes this fish special for me. In the river of Saltdal at the south end of the skjerstadfjord I had a great time flyfishing. Seatrout with the weight of 15lbs and new personal best salmon catch, a fish that measured 109 cm, and that is about 30lbs on a single hand loomis #8 flyrod. The salmon went back to the river to ensure later generations of giant salmon genes, it was so great to watch that perfectly build fish swim out of my hands with majestic movements away from the riverbank. In october, baitfishing became an obsession again when I started fishing a short shoreline that I`ve been thinking about for some years now, with the catch of small halibut three times I believe that I have discovered a new great spot, cant wait to fish this place when the weather gets warmer. Then Saltstraumen once again delivered, a 50lbs cod, a new great personnal best and I am still today excited.

 This seasons I did not get much time for coalfish, in june once I was fishing for bait from my boat and suddenly the screen on my fishfinder was filled up with giant coalies and the fish was hammering my lure 6feet under my boat for about 30 minutes until we left for some halibut.

This picture shows you the reality that awaits me, winthermonths shorefishing in bodoe. Wind, ice, cold, rain and snow and it`s all mine. I will use every hour and every minute that I can -fishing and beeing outdoors. -The price is the summer, flyfishing freshwater and rivers for trout, char, seatrout and salmon, that is recreation and holiday for me.
The last few weeks there has been little or no fishing, the weather has not been right with freezing temperaturesand lots of wind, christmas has been a relaxing period with family and food.

Usually January and february the fishing can be poor but I will do my best to make my fishing a success. Beeing outdoors is always something...
Happy new year and tight lines!

Tackle Tips

Video-- How to rig a High Speed Wahoo Lure with an ILlander and a 10/0 double hook-set by Capt. Tony Diguilian

This video demonstrates an effective wahoo lure for high speed trolling. The inline 10/0 Double Hook set is very effective and watch as Capt. Tony Diguilian demonstrates how to rig this deadly lure

Lake Toho Bass Fishing is Miraculous!

  Vacationing in Orlando take bass fishing adventure. Jeannie & Bruce from New York did and had a miraculous day bass fishing in Orlando!

Jeannie and Bruce are just that couple, while tossing a shiner out on a free line, we notice the second line crossed the first. The first line got a bite and the shiner on the second line wrapped around the first. “WOW, is that confusing or what.”
So, Bruce sets the hook on the second line, minutes later Jeannie start to reel a fish in on the first line. Bruce has contact with his fish and it’s fighting incredibility hard, mean while Jeannie fish is starting to take drag. Both at the same time, both fighting and pulling like it’s the biggest fish in the lake.
At almost identically times, both fish get near the boat. Bruce cranks his up close, we see the fish..it’s a nice 6+ pound bass. Jeannie is reeling with all her might to land her fish. As Bruce gets his fish in the net, we noticed that Jeannie’s “fish” fishing line is hooked on Bruce’s line.
So, awesome catch for Bruce and false alarm for Jeannie. But as Bruce later described, “for 40 seconds it was the catch of Jeannie life,”… as we all laughed together!

As the day progressed and the catching continued, several other big fish were caught by both Jeannie and Bruce to top off there day of fishing in Orlando. Pictures prove both of them caught trophy bass in November on Lake Toho outside of Orlando Florida.

We appreciate your business and look forward to fishing with you in the future.
Till next time tight lines and good fishing….
From Staff Writer Capt John Leech (johnl@bassonline.com)
BassOnline.com / 888-829-BASS
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Winter an der Donau

In der letzten Woche wars bei uns richtig knackig kalt. Jeden Tag zwischen -5 u. -10 Grad und meistens recht starken Westwind. Nicht gerade kuschelig an der Donau.....
Heute jedoch konnte ich nicht anders, der Drang zu fischen war einfach zu groß, so gab ich diesem nach....
Den Bericht darüber werde ich so kurz halten wie das Fischen ansich.
Es war Arschkalt, obwohls eh nur -3 C° hatte. Der Wind war extrem stark, ich konnte mich kaum sicher auf der nass/eisigen Steinschüttung der Donau bewegen. Auch die Finger waren bald kaum noch zu spüren.
Doch dann die Erlösung in Form einer Fehlattacke auf meinen Glider in "Perch". Ich war wieder hellwach, kam mir das Wasser bisher recht fischleer vor.
Schnell auf den Rot/Weissen "Drunk" gewechselt, der in letzter Zeit viele Bisse brachte und schon war die Rute krumm. Der Fisch reisst ein paar Meter geflecht über die fastchlossene Bremse und............ schlitzt aus......

Als ich den Köder kontrolliere wird klar, ich hatte wohl im relativ seichten Wasser einen schönen Waller im Rücken gehakt. Der Köder war überzogen mit Schleim...

Fassungslos machte ich noch ein paar Würfe mit dem gleichen Köder, und fing einen kleinen Schiad.....kaum ein Trost

Ich hoffe den Wels,noch vor Neujahr regulär haken und auch landen zu können.


Finally got my Kow!

I got up at 2am, drove down from Richmond and was on the water by 5am. I was aiming for the morning tide change and finally after 6 trips of at least 8hrs each (usually 12), I got my kow. 45" 36lbs. I got him on braid early and decided to get him in the car. As I was getting back out, I get a call from Charlie Church, and told him Kevin got two, another guy got two, and I got one. According to his report, he did pretty darn good (50+lber!). I went out to the drift and got pretty close to the bouy. There were lots of boats out there. I had three take downs total. One of which I hooked up to. I had 8lb test line (looking for a line class record). After a couple of minutes the hook came out. I left out the expletives from the video. On the way back in I ran into a school of porpoises. Got back to Richmond by 5pm in time to make it to my company xmas party. Tired, but an amazing day.

Fishing as taking care of health

Fishing also need taking care of health.

IgCo 100% Natural Colostrum Skim Milk

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Further information IgCo-http://bilionbesuta.ads4blog.com/

Zeit wirds....

mal wieder zu posten. Im letzten Monat kam ich krankheitsbedingt fast garnicht zum Fischen. Wenns dann doch mal ging versuchte ich mein Glück natürlich auf Hecht & Zander.
Letztere sind übrigens wie vom Erdboden verschluckt und so konnte leider kein vorweihnachtlicher Stachelritter zum Landgang überredet werden.

Bei den Hechten lief es zahlenmäßig eigentlich recht gut, doch wieder war bei ca. 70cm schluss. Zwar maßig, aber dann doch nicht das erhoffte Großwild....
Auch Kollege Bernhard konnte sich mit einem Esox ins Fangbuch eintragen.

Lange Rede kurzer Sinn, währe es mir öfter möglich gewesen die Rute zu schwingen, hätte vielleicht der eine oder andere Größere Esox drin sein können. Hätte ....... könnte........ drauf geschi**en :-)

Aja, ein "Winterschiad" konnte auch überzeugt werden.



Baitfishing has become an obsession

All the acheivements in my fishing the last few weeks has made me in to a baitfishing nerd. I`m almost forgetting about my boat, my lures, my flies and my job, hmm.. -what did I do for a living? Well, when desember turns into march and april I guess I will be dusting off some old salt and trout from my flyrods, and preparing my boat for some trolling. Anyway, I`ve been thinking about a tripod for my rods, It is not everywhere I can find rocks to support them. This is two great rods, the closest one is the DAM supernatural lightweight surf with the Shimano Big baitrunner LC, and then there is the great allround rod that feeds the bait, the lure or the jig to the biggest and the hard too reach fish with no proplems , Shimano Beastmaster 50-100gr. 12` supplied with the smaller Shimano baitrunner 10000. Both of theese rods and reels is a great combination for my fishing.

And then, todays fishing turned into a success with this 5kg 10lbs halibut that went back too the sea after a quick photo session. Perfect cast, perfect rig, perfect fish. High tide, no winds and a happy angler!

Cod, Big cod!

Yesterdays baitfishing in the dark, prowns on a sliding rig. I would not dream of a fish this size, a cod 25 kg, 50lbs. New personal best. Not much to say about the fishing, 5 minutes of fishing, 15 minutes of fighting. Did not believe my eyes when I saw this monster in the light of my petzl headlight.
I will use this fish for bacalao. First I need to make klippfisk, salting and drying it. the drying is usually done on rocks in the sun, but I will after 6 weeks of salting nail the fish with the flesh side out on a wall facing north witch is the driest side where I live. In april next year the fish will be ready for bacalao. Great food for anglers.

Klippfisk has been made in norway since 1700, and is important for export. The product is wery popular in Spain and portugal.

Trout Fishing The Night Before ThanksGiving

How the hell do you end up in a cold trout steam, wading at night in November, the night before Thanksgiving?....I will give you a few minutes of thought for that answer........

The answer is, " Brown Trout", those nocturnal feeding bastards.....You have to be a little crazy. Not to bright and have a willingness to go out and do things that make absolutely no fucking sense. It also helps if you have friends as crazy as you are. With the same sense of adventure. Or, as some girlfriends might say, "Your stupid ass friends".

So my buddy and I headed towards Springfield, Ohio. Destination, the Mad River. When we arrived, all seemed well. We started to gear up, and it started to drizzle. My buddy asked, "Is that snow?"....and so it goes.....We made our way into the water, under a bridge. Started blind casting, with high hopes of hitting something. We just wanted to feel that weight on the end of our line. You know that one that tells you, "this is no snag".....but being as it was....nothing.....no fish for us on this night....

While fishing, we came upon a bear trap. Yep that's correct, a small trap. Someone had place one in the water, next to a den, maybe a muskrat, I am not sure, but I kicked it and it clicked shut. Scared me to death. Someone had this in the water, under the water. How stupid is that? It was one of the small ones for small game....but I had never seen this in a river before.....jus another adventure.

We moved the trap.....

Flat fish, new rod.

Ultimate fishing. Low tide, clear blue skies, wind 13 m/s. This Halibut 6,5 kg, 13lbs was hooked with a medium sized bait with slices of trout.
The rod I bought is now traded in at the store in advantage of a surf rod from DAM, super natural lightweight surf 180. The Beastmaster specimen rod would be perfect for carp or salmonfishing but not for this kind of fishing with the level of casting that I need. -great rod great design with lighter weights it would also be great for flounder. Next time I fish with my new surf rod from DAM, hope I get what I want from it.

New rod, new reel

I have about 15 minutes left preapering my new gear. I bought the big baitrunner and a Beastmaster specimen AX 12` 2,75lbs. I had about 600 meters with Climax braid that I bought on a sale. Not sure about the rod but I made a deal with the store that I can change it if I`m not satisfied.

Great News!!

Dear valued customer,

Lun Fishing, Bengkurong branch will be opening starting from 18th November, Wednesday.

Business hours: Mon - Sat : 9.30am - 9.00pm
Sun : 9.30am - 7.00pm

Please Contact us for more infomation.

Rimba Branch : +673 245 6303
Bengkurong Branch: +673 265 4055

Thank you for supporting Lun Fishing.


Baitfishing today, A couple of small cods on my flounder rig and a small halibut about 6lbs on the big baitrig with a gliding tackle. This saves the day and I am satisfied. With winds up to 23m/s and cold air I was blessed to day with only 16m/s. so I went out fishing. With the wind in my back the casting was great. I`ll bet that with a bit more intense fishing I can land a bigger flatfish of this kind at this spot, (on the outside of saltstraumen, saltenfjorden). High tide to falling, wind, dry weather and just enough clouds to hide the clear blue skies. Tight lines!!!

New companion?

Shimano big baitrunner LC

Hmm... will this be my new companion during the winther? The shimano BB LC will give me greater distance together with the right fishing rod. I am thinking about some kind of carprod, have not decided on anything yet, but I now that DAM has got some great products. A surf rod is by my opinion too heavy since my fishing usually takes me out for longer walks, and I like my rods to be slim and lightweight but with great strenght and casting ability. -No fishing today since I`m going to town to check out this reel. Maybe Løvold (http://www.lovold.no ) has got the right fishing rod for me.

Saltwaterfishing is great where I live, and the interest is growing continiously. Sadly, many that spends the summer fishing for the first time in their life and really enjoys it, think that it is all over when the winther comes. This is the time of year when I do most of my saltwater shorefishing. I know that it can be extreme, bad weather, darkness and slippery rocks, (you can hurt yourself really bad just stepping out of your bed in the morning.) Almost nothing stops me when I feel the need for some fishing, when my reel freezes over or the snow turns into rain and strong winds make everything wet...

All the things I see, experience, situations in the water created by fish, a seal or a small whale. This and the great happiness by catching a fish, succeeding with my fishing there and then is some of the things that keeps me going. Check out the fjords and landscape around Bodø on google earth or at http://www.norgeibilder.no/ and just imagine all the possibilities fishing this shoreline during all seasons.

I will be updating this blog through the winther and document some of my fishing with pictures and stories, I hope it will catch some interest.

Nok en dag på sjyen.

Fishing for halibut. Siste tur i år med skuta, nå venter oljeskift og vinterlagring.

No fish to day!!

Men været er nok de fleste fornøyd med. Fisket med agn og glidetackel, ble utålmodig etter et par timer.

Bengkurong Branch

We are located @ Unit 1, Block D, Spg. 132, Bangunan Pehin Khatib Hj. Md. Yussof. Kg.Bengkurong, Mukim Kilanas. B.S.B

Bengkurong Branch

We are located @ Unit 1, Block D, Spg. 132, Bangunan Pehin Khatib Hj. Md. Yussof. Kg.Bengkurong, Mukim Kilanas. B.S.B

Get Your Reel and Go Fishing

Nowadays people go for fishing because is a pleasure or for competition .It train people to have patient too.But some people are commercial fishing,they catch fish for eating.

Fishermen often use nets and traps to capture fish some times they even catch Lobster and crab for selling

Fishing need to prepare many equipment.Examples lures ,bait,lines ,rods,reels,hooks,sinkers etc.

Lets talk a bit more about fishing reels

Fishing reels is use to control of the fishing line,mostly is use with fishing rods

Here a little tips of choosing a suitable reels

Before that you need to know what type of water you are going for .There are freshwater reels,saltwater reel etc

Determine the reel to match your fishing rods needs. As you become more experienced in fishing you will figure out which rod and reels suit your fishing style.

A fishing reel is a important device used for the deployment and retrieval of fishing line. They are mostly used in conjunction with a fishing rod, though some specialized reels are mounted directly to boat gunwales.

let talk more about fly fishing

In fact you should realize about fly fishing reels are different from the usual spinning reel. When looking for the correct fly fishing reel, you should look for a reel that suits your fly fishing style. If you are a beginner at fly fishing, you will require a reel that can improve your skill as you become more proficient at fly fishing. If you are more experienced with fly fishing better than a novice, you will need a better professional reel for deeper waters.

Cranberry River(Again) W.V. Oct 2009

Oct 21st - 23rd, Cranberry River outing. This was one of those trips that came together at the last moment, and withing a day of saying something like "Let's hit the Cranberry", we were gone.....Good thing to because the weather was great. Really cool at night but great during the day. The river didn't give up any huge trout like it normally does, but it did give up many little fish. Lot's of fun, and the scenery this time of year is awesome. The trees were giving us their best yellows, reds and oranges. I was lucky to be able to go.....What can I say, a late fall trout trip out east for a couple of days. How awesome is that?......

Tioman Trip 2009

Trip memancing Di pulau Tioman pada 18-20 oktober 2009 bersama tekong PakRaman Mukut. Hasil tak bergitu membrangsangkan tapi cukup puas hati bersama ikan Ketarap(Bayan) 30 kg,Ikan Pari ,Gemuduk,Ebek dan lain-lain lagi.