Dated Released : 25 November 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Runtime : 129 min
Starring : Tony Leung Ka Fai, Christy Chung, Jin Auyeung
Genre : Biography | Drama
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Sebagai pemuda, Bruce Lee adalah seorang pemberontak yang selalu terlibat dalam perkelahian jalanan dengan teman-temannya, Kong dan Unicorn. Sebagai petarung jalanan yang tak terkalahkan, kisah cinta Bruce tidak begitu mulus. Ia jatuh cinta kepada Mandy namun sahabatnya Kong pun mencintai Mandy. Sementara itu, seorang gadis Monique, jatuh hati pada Bruce. Berlawanan dengan keinginan ayahnya, Bruce mempelajari gaya seni bela diri Wing Chun dibandingkan Tai-chi dan kemenangan awalnya di depan "publik" yaitu mengalahkan petinju Caucasian di sebuah turnamen kung-fu.

Pada malam kemenangannya, ia mengetahui bahwa Kong telah menjadi pecandu narkoba dan memutuskan untuk menghancurkan bandar narkobanya bersama Unicorn. Hal ini membuat mereka berdua menjadi target triad dan polisi korup yang mengingkan mereka dipenjara. Untuk menyelamatkan hidupnya, ayah Lee tidak punya pilihan selain mengirimnya ke San Fransisco untuk melanjutkan studinya. Dan sejarahpun terukir



Dated Released : 23 September 2010
Quality : DVDRip
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Starring : Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Ryan, John Ortiz
Genre : Comedy | Romance
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Jack (Philip Seymour Hoffman) adalah seorang sopir yang punya impian mendapatkan pekerjaan yang lebih layak. Ia mungkin tak terlalu pandai bersosialisasi namun Jack adalah seorang pria yang lugu. Jack tak pernah menyangka kalau ia bakal bertemu seorang wanita yang bakal mengisi hari-harinya dan mengubah semua yang ada pada dirinya.

Kalau tak sedang sibuk, Jack lebih suka menghabiskan waktu bersama Clyde (John Ortiz), temannya sesama sopir. Jack juga akrab dengan Lucy (Daphne Rubin-Vega), istri Clyde yang bekerja di pemakaman di Brooklyn. Suatu ketika Lucy memperkenalkan Jack pada Connie (Amy Ryan), rekan kerja Lucy. Berawal dari perkenalan ini rasa cinta mulai tumbuh.

Sejak menjalin cinta dengan Connie, Jack jadi berubah. Jack jadi tertarik belajar memasak, berusaha mencari pekerjaan baru yang lebih layak. Selain itu Jack juga antusias belajar berenang pada Clyde. Jack ingin suatu hari nanti bisa mengajak Connie naik perahu di danau, sebuah impian sederhana yang buat Jack sudah lebih dari cukup. Sayangnya, di saat cinta antara Jack dan Connie semakin merekah, pernikahan Clyde dan Lucy justru terancam perceraian.



Dated Released : 2010
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
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Starring : 50 Cent, Malik Barnhardt, Paul Calderon
Genre : Action | Crime | Thriller
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Dated Released : 25 December 2010
Quality : HDRip
Info :
Runtime : 2 menit 40 detik
Starring : Chris Wedge, Jason Fricchione
Genre : nimation | Comedy | Short
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Dated Released : 17 March 2010
Quality : BRRip 864p BluRay
Info :
Runtime : 105 min
Starring : Romain Duris, Vanessa Paradis, Julie Ferrier
Genre : Comedy | Romance
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The bulk of the story takes place in Monaco. The plot is centred around Alex, his sister, and her husband, who operate a business designed to break up relationships, but only where the woman is 'not knowingly unhappy'.

They are hired by a rich man, who is a florist, and possible gangster, to prevent the wedding of his daughter. The problem is that they only have 10 days to do so. The task is further complicated because the couple appear to be in love and absolutely perfect for each other. They also could not find the usual 'flaws' in the couple that they are used to looking for in couples to break them up. Alex, massively in debt through his own lavish spending on the business, is pressured into putting aside his honourable principles to complete the seemingly impossible job. While on the job, he finds out things that she likes, and he in turn pretends to like these things as well to impress her... some of these things include— Dirty Dancing, blue cheese, and George Michael.



Date Released : 17 June 2004
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
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Starring : Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy
Genre : Drama | Romance
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Film Before Sunset merupakan kelanjutan dari film Before Sunrise yaitu berkisah tentang perjalanan cinta antara Jesse (Ethan Hawke) dan Celine (Julie Delpy).

Setelah 9 tahun melewati moment romantis di Wina, Jesse telah menjadi seorang penulis buku ternama yaitu This Time. Bukunya berisi kisah nyatanya sendiri, berisi kenangan akan Celine dan masa indahnya di Wina. Untuk promosi bukunya, Jesse pun harus menggelar tur ke Prancis. Menjelang acara jumpa selesai, muncullah wajah Celine dari sela-sela rak buku. Celine sengaja datang agar bisa bertemu dengan Jesse.

Kemudian mereka memutuskan untuk menyusuri jalanan Paris, mampir di kafe, ke taman, naik perahu. Sayangnya, kebersamaan bereka dibatasi waktu karena Jesse harus segera meninggalkan Prancis untuk kembali ke Amerika setelah turnya berakhir. Pesawat Jesse dijadwalkan akan berangkat sebelum matahari tenggelam (before sunset).

Dalam kebersamaan kali ini, mereka menghabiskannya untuk berbicara banyak hal. Tetapi mereka tidak seluasa dahulu. Celine menjadi aktivis lingkungan hidup dan punya pacar, sedangkan Jesse telah memiliki istri dan anak. Dalam kesempatan ini, Celine meminta maaf kepada Jesse karena ia tak dapat kembali ke Wina setelah enam bulan pertemuan mereka dulu sebagaimana yang pernah dijanjikan. Celine terpaksa tidak bisa kembali ke Wina karena nenek kesayangannya meninggal pada hari yang sama.

Jesse pun mulai berterus terang bahwa ia sama sekali tidak bahagia bersama istrinya. Ia merasa gagal sebagai seorang ayah. Kenangan bersama Celine di Wina masih membekas di hatinya dan ia masih mencintai Celine.

Waktu pun terus bergulir, dan kebersamaan mereka juga hampir usai. Jesse memutuskan untuk mengantarkan Celine kembali ke apartemennya. Di apartemennya, Celine menyanyikan lagu untuk Jesse yang mengisahkan perjalanan mereka sembilan tahun lalu di Winna. Jesse memainkan CD Nina Simone. Celine menari mengikuti irama musik dan Jesse duduk terpukau memperhatikannya.

Akankah Jesse akan pergi untuk melanjutkan penerbangannya atau ia tetap tinggal dan menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dengan Celine.?


Dated Released : 19 November 2010
Quality : DVDScr
Info :
Runtime : 109 min
Starring : Ben Affleck, Chris Cooper, Tommy Lee Jones
Genre : Drama
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Kehidupan Bobby Walker (Ben Affleck) memang sering membuat banyak orang iri. Bobby punya pekerjaan yang memberikannya kehidupan yang lebih dari layak. Meski tak bisa dibilang kaya-raya, namun Bobby dan keluarganya bisa hidup berkecukupan.

Tak pernah terbayang di benak Bobby kalau semua yang telah dimilikinya ini tiba-tiba saja hilang. Dan saat Bobby harus menjadi salah satu korban pengurangan tenaga kerja, mau tak mau kehidupan Bobby seolah diputar-balikkan. Tak tahu harus bagaimana, Bobby pun menerima tawaran Jack Dolan (Kevin Costner), kakak iparnya, untuk membantunya membangun rumah. Pekerjaan ini memang jauh dari bayangan Bobby namun di saat pilihan yang tersisa tak lagi banyak, yang tersisa bisa jadi sangat berharga.



Dated Released : 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Sutradara : Hanny R. Saputra
Durasi : 96 Menit
Starring : Marcell C, Aurellie M, Sabai Morscheck,
Genre : Drama
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Nina terpaksa pindah ke sekolah baru khusus putri karena ibunya CHYNTIA baru saja menikah dengan seorang pengusaha kaya. Nina harus berhadapan dengan kelompok geng SWEETHEART, kumpulan tiga cewek paling cantik dan populer di sekolahnya, IMEL, FIFI dan CHERRY. Tidak ada seorang pun yang bisa menyentuh Imel, walaupun seburuk apa kelakuannya terhadap teman-temannya di sekolah. Tidak ada yang berani mengadu, apalagi melawan

Nina menyaksikan pemukulan Imel terhadap salah satu siswi dan melaporkan Imel ke Kepsek, yang hanya membuka sebuah perang terbuka antara Nina dan kelompok Sweetheart. Nina pun diculik dan disiksa, serta diancam supaya tidak pernah membuka mulut lagi. Trauma, Nina tidak berani ke sekolah, ataupun bercerita ke siapa-siapa. Sementara itu Imel mendapati dirinya hamil karena hubungannya dengan JODI, seorang vokalis band ngetop yang hanya memperlakukannya sebagai seorang groupies. Merasa sakit hati, Imel pun menuntut kesetiakawanan anggota Sweetheart lainnya untuk sama-sama menghilangkan keperawanan mereka

MISHA, teman dekat Nina, masih belum mengetahui bagaimana gelap dan rusaknya kelompok Sweetheart yang dari luar tampak seperti kelompok bidadari, terobsesi ingin menjadi anggota kelompok Sweetheart. Rela melakukan apa saja demi diterima mereka, Misha pun tidak sadar dimanfaatkan Imel sebagai bahan tertawaan dan bahkan alat untuk membalas dendam Imel ke Jodi. Dengan caranya sendiri, Nina berhasil mendekati Imel, mendapat kepercayaannya dan malah diterima menjadi anggota Sweetheart

Apakah Nina rela menjual semua prinsip hidupnya demi popularitas di sekolah? Apakah dunia dengan semua kepahitannya akhirnya bisa mengubah seorang Nina?



Date Released : 12 October 2007
Quality : DVDRip -aXXo
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Emma Roberts, Lexi Ainsworth, Shelby Y
Genre : Drama | Romance
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Dated Released : 1977
Quality : VCDRip
Durasi : 80 menit
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Benyamin S
Genre : Comedy
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Dated Released : 22 October 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Radhika Apte, Chandrashekhar Dutta, Subrat D
Genre : Action | Biography | Crime | Drama | Thriller
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The film starts with a narration about politics and gangs in Anandapur district, Andhra Pradesh. The opening scene of a murder in broad daylight, which the narrator calls "rakta politics", sets the tone of the movie. Narasimha Reddy, a local politician, is a powerful man in the area. His close associate Veera Bhadra (Rajendra Gupta) is his trustwothy ally for his political work, to the extent that Narasimha Reddy gives him freedom to contest Jilla Parishad polls with his men. Veera Bhadra champions the causes of the poor and oppressed and they look up to him like their leader.

Nagamuni Reddy (Kota Srinivasa Rao), who is the local MLA of the district and close to Narasimha Reddy, becomes jealous of the budding trust between Veera Bhadra and Narasimha Reddy, and starts poisoning Narasimha Reddy against Veera Bhadra. Narasimha summons Veera Bhadra and asks him not to contest the polls with his contestants, but rather support Nagamuni Reddy's. Veera Bhadra lashes out at Narasimha Reddy for being unfair to the lower castes and storms out. Nagamuni Reddy calls for Manda (Ashish Vidyarthi), a close follower of Veera Bhadra, and manipulates him into killing Veera Bhadra, giving him the assurance that if he does it, people will suspect the policies of Veera Bhadra as his own follower killed him and he will be the next in line as the leader of the poor people, else take his life. Manda reluctantly agrees to it. Veera Bhadra and his wife (Zarina Wahab) travel in a bus with 40 people to a wedding. Manda and Nagamuni's men stop the bus, kill Veera Bhadra's guards, and tell him to step out of the bus or else he will be killed along with the other innocents on the bus. Veera Bhadra comes out, looking at Manda, and dares him to kill. Nagamuni's henchman Durga shoots at Veera Bhadra, making it look like Manda shot at him; prompting Manda about the deal he made with Nagamuni, he tells him to kill him in front of everyone. Manda takes a boulder and crushes Veera Bhadra's skull and killing him.

This results in an agitation led by Shankar, who wants to avenge his father's murder by killing all the men of Nagamuni and Narasimha Reddy. Enter Nagamuni's son Bukka Reddy (Abhimanyu Singh), described as a ruthless man who enjoys raping women and killing men in brutal ways. He starts killing Shankar's men in gory ways: drilling a hole into their skull, chopping off their heads with a sugarcane chopper, burning them alive and feeding them to ravenous rats.

Pratap Ravi (Vivek Oberoi), who is in college in the city, gets the news of his father's murder and rushes to the village. Nagamani Reddy orders local police inspector to kill Shankar in a fake encounter. When Pratap goes to the police station to ask about his brother, the inspector shows him Shankar's dead body and mocks him. Infuriated with this brother's murder, Pratap and Veera Bhadra's men kill all the police officers and the inspector.

Pratap Ravi swears revenge while hiding in the jungle with his father's associates and vows that he will kill Narsimha Reddy, Nagamuni Reddy and Manda one by one, instilling fear of death in each one of them. He starts by busting in the house of Narasimha Reddy, killing his guards and finally killing him with a scythe in front of his wife as she looks on in horror. Next is Manda; as he roams in the market, Pratap's men follow him, and before he can defend himself, they chop his hand off. Manda begs for his life but Pratap stabs him in front of everyone. They plan to kill Nagamuni Reddy, but they are cautious as there is heavy police security in his house. As Nagamuni Reddy is sitting on his lawn conversing with a police officer, he is shot at by Pratap, who is dressed as the cop, and his men, dressed as cops as well, kill most of the policemen.

As Bukka Reddy and his brother Puru Reddy see their father's dead body, Bukka becomes enraged to the extent that he slaps the policewoman (Ashwini Khalsekar) who has come to take the body for postmortem. The story progresses as famed filmstar-turned-politician Shivaji Rao (Shatrughan Sinha) targets Anandpur for contesting elections. The day he enters Anandpur for the rally, Bukka's men throw bombs, which makes Shivaji Rao get back inside the car and go back. This insults him greatly and he asks his secretary for the one who can stop Bukka. Immediately, his secretary mentions Pratap's name; Shivaji Rao sends for him and puts down a proposal of joining his party and ticket for contesting elections. On the other hand, Bukka Reddy makes his brother Puru Reddy contest for elections and tries to sabotage the voting process by stealing the ballots. Pratap starts his rampage by eliminating, one by one, every rival of his party. Eventually, he comes across a man named Babu Qadri who seeks Pratap's help in avenging his sister's death. Bukka Reddy had raped his 16-year-old sister, because of which she immolated herself, and Bukka had then broken Babu Qadri's leg. Pratap assures him his vengeance but asks him to forget everything for some time.

As Bukka's men fail in rigging the election process, Pratap wins by a majority. Immediately, Bukka Reddy is arrested. Puru Reddy seeks the help of opposition leader Sethji's help in influencing the release of Bukka on bail. As soon as Pratap learns of this news, he looks out for the location where Bukka is hiding underground. Bukka, inflamed with the desire to avenge his father's death, hides out in an apartment with his men, planning to kill Pratap Ravi. As Pratap comes to know about his hideout he devises a plan to execute him. He immediately gathers his men and calls Babu Qadri, who had sought Pratap's help in avenging his sister, to lead the execution of Bukka Reddy. He calls for the servant of Bukka Reddy and bribes him with 5 lakhs to aid in the execution. Babu Qadri and Pratap's men rush into the apartment, killing all Bukka's men; Babu shoots at Bukka but he escapes the bullets and runs to the back door's balcony, where Babu shoots him from behind, cuts him in pieces with his axe and keeps on cutting him, fuelled by revenge vented out in satisfaction. Pratap Ravi, being at the peak of his power with Shivaji Rao's full support, invites all the gangsters of the state to his place for lunch; after lunch he orders everyone to stop their illegal activities or face the music, emphasizing the power that he has in the state now.



Dated Released : 20 Desember 2010
Quality : TVRip
Sutradara : Rudi Soedjarwo
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Sandra Dewi, Dimas Seto, Ello
Genre : Drama | Romance
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Aliana, Nadya dan Riri adalah tiga sahabat yang secara kebetulan mengalami bentrokan dengan kelompok sahabat lain, Pricille, Katy dan adik Katy, Tessa gara-gara rebutan sebuah tas di pertokoan. Bentrok kecil ternyata berkembang menjadi persaingan sengit, mulai dari Pricille dan Aliana yang sama-sama berusaha supaya menjadi cewek yang dipanggil ke atas panggung oleh penyanyi Ello, sampai dengan persaingan professional, karena ternyata Aliana dan Pricille yang baru mulai merintis karir sebagai model iklan adalah kompetitor dalam sebuah audisi.

Namun persaingan di antara kedua kelompok ini akhirnya mencair, berubah menjadi persahabatan. Tidak berhenti disitu, permasalahan juga terjadi didalam persahabatan mereka. Mulai dari Ibu Nadya dan Iwan, Pacar Nadya yang merasa khawatir teman-teman Nadya yang berasal dari keluarga berada akan memaksa Nadya untuk berusaha mengikuti gaya hidup mereka, hingga Katy yang memutuskan untuk pergi melanjutkan kuliah di Australia karena patah hati.

Tiga tahun berlalu Aliana dan Pricille sudah menjadi model terkenal namun Pricille merasa Aliana selalu berada diatasnya. Hingga puncaknya, terungkap bahwa karir Aliana terancam hancur karena ulah Pricille. Selain itu Pernikahan Aliana pun terancam batal karena Jojo, tunangan Aliana ternyata adalah Mantan pacar Katy yang membuatnya patah hati hingga meninggalkan Indonesia. Jojo pun bimbang, siapa yang akan ia pilih, apakah Katy atau Aliana? Apalagi Katy dan Aliana sama-sama tidak mau menyakiti perasaan satu sama lain.

Apakah betul ini adalah kesempatan kedua bagi Jojo dan Katy untuk melanjutkan apa yang sebelumnya terputus karena pihak lain? Apakah pihak lain itu adalah Tessa atau Riri yang selama ini sudah menjadi sahabat mereka sendiri? Apakah persahabatan mereka harus dikorbankan hanya demi karir dan cinta?


Dated Released : 15 October 2010
Quality : BRRip 720p.SiNNERS
Info :
Runtime : USA : 111 min
Starring : Bruce Willis, Mary-Louise Parker, Heidi von P
Genre : Action | Comedy
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Orang bilang, bekerja di bidang intelijen artinya bekerja seumur hidup. Bisa dimengerti karena terlibat dalam urusan rahasia negara jelas membuat para pelakunya jadi target orang-orang yang berminat pada informasi rahasia atau malah orang dalam agency sendiri yang tak menginginkan rahasia negara ini sampai bocor.

Frank Moses (Bruce Willis) sadar benar akan risiko itu namun ada saat ketika orang lengah dan tak ingat lagi pada konsekuensi dari pekerjaan itu. Saat pensiun, Frank berharap bisa hidup tenang sebagai warga masyarakat biasa namun sayangnya, masa lalunya sebagai mantan agen CIA seolah tak mau melepasnya pergi begitu saja.

Suatu ketika, Frank diserang sekelompok orang dengan senjata canggih namun untungnya Frank bisa lolos. Dari cara mereka bertindak, Frank tahu kalau orang-orang yang mengincar nyawanya itu adalah agen CIA. Sadar kalau tak mungkin meminta bantuan ke bekas tempatnya bekerja itu, Frank hanya punya satu tujuan: orang-orang yang dulu bekerja bersamanya selama di CIA. Bersama Victoria (Helen Mirren), dan Joe (Morgan Freeman), Frank menempuh perjalanan panjang menuju markas besar CIA untuk mengungkap sejarah hitam Amerika.



Dated Released : 19 August 2010
Quality : BRRip 720p BluRay x264-TWiZTED
Info :
Runtime : USA: 93 min
Starring : Chace Crawford, Emma Roberts, Rory Culkin
Genre : Drama | Thriller
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The film opens during Spring Break on the Upper East Side. White Mike (Chace Crawford), once a wealthy, carefree teenager, now struggles to scrape out a living as a pot dealer, dealing to his former classmates. His mother passed away from cancer a year prior to the events of the film, her treatment having completely consumed his family's wealth, and left a deep emotional trauma on Mike. Mike's good friend, Molly Norton (Emma Roberts), a sweet girl from the poorer side of town, doesn't know he is a drug dealer. Mike's supplier, Lionel (Curtis Jackson), also deals the addictive cocktail "Twelve" to Mike's cousin, Charlie (Jeremy Allen White). Charlie attempts to mug Lionel one night, as he is unable to pay for the drug. Lionel turns the gun on Charlie, shooting him in the head, before shooting Nana (Jermaine Crawford), an innocent observer, returning home after a basketball game at the Harlem Recreation Center. Mike and Charlie's good friend, Hunter (Phillip Ettinger) (another resident of the wealthy Upper East Side, set on attending Harvard), who had played basketball with - and got in a fight with - Nana earlier that evening, is taken into custody for the murders. He visits Harlem regularly because he detests the high society of his classmates.

Several of the other young residents of the wealthy Manhattan scene are introduced at a party as customers of White Mike, including Tobias (Nico Tortorella), a male model, and several others, all of whom know the attractive and popular Sara Ludlow. The party is held at the home of Chris Kenton (Rory Culkin), a hopeless nerd, but the host of the party, which he threw in order to boost his popularity. At the party, Sara's friend Jessica Brayson (Emily Meade) tries Twelve for the first time, leading to an addiction over the course of the film. During the party, Chris's older brother, Claude (Billy Magnussen) - a sociopath and weapon collector, returns home after breaking out of rehab. Sara's birthday is coming up just before the end of spring break, and she easily manipulates Chris into throwing a huge birthday bash for her, hinting that she will compensate him with sex - which she has no intention of. She and her friends spend the next few days inviting everyone they know in order to make Sara's birthday "famous."



Dated Released : 4 September 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info :
IMDB Rating : 8.5
Starring : James Franco, Amber Tamblyn and Kate Mara
Genre : Adventure | Biography | Drama | Thriller
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Hanya kemauan untuk hidup yang sangat tinggi yang membuat Aron Ralston (James Franco) berhasil menyelamatkan dirinya dari ganasnya alam. Meski terpaksa harus kehilangan satu tangannya, Aron tak pernah menyerah. Meski ia harus mendaki tebing tinggi dan berjalan bermil-mil, itu tak membuat Aron mundur. Di saat-saat tanpa kepastian ini, hanya refleksi masa lalu yang membayang di mata Aron.

Karena sebuah kecelakaan, Aron terjebak di sebuah ngarai di Utah. Dalam keadaan terluka, Aron hampir menyerah. Tak ada harapan untuk selamat. Pada saat orang-orang sadar kalau Aron hilang, semuanya bakal terlambat. Kalau Aron ingin hidup, satu-satunya cara adalah dengan menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri.

Dengan tangan yang terluka dan hampir membusuk, Aron tak punya pilihan selain mengamputasi tangannya sendiri. Dengan segala keberanian, Aron lantas mendaki tebing setinggi 65 kaki dan berjalan sejauh delapan mil sebelum ia akhirnya terselamatkan. Selama perjalanan, yang ada di benak Aron adalah teman-teman, kekasih, keluarga, dan dua orang pendaki yang sempat ia jumpai sebelum kecelakaan. Akankan mereka jadi orang terakhir yang bertemu Aron?



Date Released : 27 April 2007
Kualitas : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Pemain : Nicolas Cage
Genre : Action
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film ini menceritakan tentang seseorang yg mempunyai kekuatan supranatural yg di perankan NIcholas Cage dpt melihat 2 mnt kejadian yg akan datang layaknya cenayang/paranormal, kemampuan ajaibnya ini dipergunakan utk berjudi di kasino di las vegas. Akhirnya kemampuan ini di lirik oleh seorang perwira FBI yg di perankan oleh jullianne moore utk membantu tugas mereka utk mengatasi terorisme...



Dated Released : 13 Desember 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
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Starring : Terence Stamp, John Hurt, Sean Pertwee
Genre : Animation | Sci-Fi
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Captain Severus of the Ultramarines Chapter receives a distress signal on the planet of Mithron.[9] The only site of importance is a shrine guarded by a full company of the Imperial Fists, implying that if they are calling for help, matters are truly dire. Leaving the bulk of his company on Algol to continue an ongoing campaign, Severus sets off for Mithron with only the ten-man Ultima Squad for support. Accompanying is Apothecary Pythol, a veteran of many battles and Severus's de facto advisor. In the squad itself, Battle Brothers Proteus and Verenor are the most eager to prove themselves in battle. On the tough and unforgiving surface of Mithron, Ultima Squad discovers that a terrible battle has taken place. The planet's Imperial shrine has been desecrated, the Imperial Fists detachment has been annihilated and vile evils unleashed. As unseen dangers close in around them, the recruits have to mount a tense and deadly insertion to find any surviving Imperial Fists, and the reason behind the distress beacon.

While investigating the ruins of the shrine, the Ultramarines are ambushed by Chaos Space Marines from the Black Legion. Several Ultramarines, including Sergeant Crastor, are killed but the ambush is thwarted. The squad continues on but they are again ambushed, this time by a Daemon Prince. The Daemon kills another Ultramarine and engages in combat with Captain Severus, and both combatants tumble over a cliff. With Severus gone and Sergeant Crastor dead, command of the squad falls to Proteus. While the rest of Ultima Squad wants to return to their strike cruiser and wait for reinforcements, Proteus decides to continue on to the distress beacon. At the reliquary at the shrine's summit, they find Chaplain Carnak and Brother Nidon, the sole surviving Imperial Fists. They reveal they have been protecting the Liber Mithrus, an ancient tome given to the Imperial Fists at their founding by the Emperor himself, and is a sacred relic to them. Ultima Squad agrees to help Carnak and Nidon take the book to safety, but Verenor and Proteus are suspicious about how just the two of them have managed to survive for so long.

As Ultima Squad retreats to the extraction point, they are attacked by a massive force of Black Legion Marines. During the fight, Ultima Squad kills many of the attackers, but suffer heavy casualties as well. When it looks like Ultima Squad will be overwhelmed, Severus suddenly appears and with his help, the remains of Ultima Squad, Carnak, and Nidon manage to escape back to the strike cruiser. Upon their return, Proteus confides to Severus about his suspicions of Carnak and Nidon. Both Proteus and Severus confront the Imperial Fists, with Severus taking the book and discovering that it is empty. Declaring that Carnak is tainted by Chaos, Severus shoots and kills him. However, Proteus figures out that Severus was possessed by the Daemon that he fought. The possessed Severus knocks out Proteus, kills the remaining members of Ultima Squad, and heavily injures Pythol. Proteus, Verenor, and Nidon chase Severus and confront him in the ship's reliquary. Severus knocks out Verenor and Nidon and pins down Proteus. He reveals that he plans to possess Proteus, and while disguised as him, stow away on the strike cruiser to reach the Ultramarines' homeworld of Macragge, whereupon he will use the Imperial Fists' tome to open a warp gate, allowing a horde of daemons to descend upon and destroy Macragge. Pythol, however, arrives to help but Severus kills him. However, Pythol's sacrifice allows Proteus to escape Severus' grip and grabs one of the Ultramarines' sacred weapons, a Thunder Hammer. Proteus uses the Thunder Hammer to kill Severus and banish the Daemon possessing him.

Afterwards, it is shown that Proteus is eventually promoted to Captain with Verenor as his second in command, and both Marines are preparing to lead their own Ultramarine squad into battle.
