Deadline Approaches for RSA proposal Responses

proposed licence and bag limits for ALL you sea anglers

Are you aware the government are undertaking a study of recreational sea anglers like you? whether you fish once a year or every week this bill will effect your present freedom to go fishing at sea,

they say around one million people a year spend around £538 million fishing by the sea, and under the guise of conservation there proposals include intraducing a licence or (tax) for anyone who fishes with rod and line and are considering bag limits again under the conservation banner, do not confuse this with a rivers authority rod and line licence where re stocking and regular fish monitoring can take place, nobody re stocks the sea and a lisence fee will not conserve fish,

in my opinion once a year anglers will not be able to justify the cost, especially if the whole family like to fish, including the kids fishing on the beach, rocks, and piers, may be regular anglers might be prepared to pay a tax to fish if they could honestly believe there licence/tax will be re invested in conservation of our fish, but I feel sure if they are limited to the number of fish they may catch and species they may well think about walking away from the sport they now enjoy for free,

I know we all must act responsible while we enjoy our sport and conservation is paramount for the continuation of our sport, but any one who fishes on any of the WCSA fishing trips knows how conscientious we all are regards size and numbers we take and the damage and wastage anglers cause to the environment is negligible compared to any other type of fishing that is taking place around our coast, no this is just another easy way of taxing everyone through the back door,

please take time to read the government document via this link

and if like me you think this will be a disaster all round for you, me, and Whitby, in-fact every one who occasionally fishes at sea please respond to this proposal on line and lobby your local MP and make clear you dissatisfaction, and together we all could bring a turn round to this proposed recreational sea angling strategy, remember this will effect us all

however if you agree with the bill please accept my apologies for bleating on about something I feel very imotive about.


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