Udang Galah @ Tutong River

ahaaa... my first catch at 7am of 11.07.2008. Not much of a fighter but my tiny rod was went that 'C' shape again.... hahahahaaa

Probably the fifth catch of the day by me. Quite small, just the size of my thumb plus another one.

Ahh... sad story this one. Masdi caught at least 11 udang galah, but guess what??? he lost all of it because he was hanging that net of his by a pole inside the water so that the udang can live brought home to be fresh. It all sank into the river as the rope tied to the pole somehow loosen. His phrase " macam lain saja.... nahhh... banar lapas net ku..." hahahahahaha. New meaning of "Catch and Release" to Masdi.

Few of my catch which I kept in a coolbox (safer) with ice to keep it fresh. I caught only 7 or 8 of them beauties. Did not break my last year record of 100+ udang galah in one day. Anyway it was time well wasted.... hahahahahaaa

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