Middle Fork Resevoir 5/24/2009

....Well, I came to visit family and friends for the Memorial day holiday. While I was in town a one of my old fishing buddies wanted to know if I wanted to go fishing.....Well to be honest I called him and said " Let's get'em ", to wich he responded, " OK, Catfish or bass?", I said, " Whatever you think is best.".....This was gonna be a night bassing trip to the local watering hole here in Richmond, Indiana. We didn't head out till after 10pm on his Ranger. Fishing was slow, bass are on the beds, females are deep, still recovering. But the night was perfect, no wind, cool breeze. I caught a few that night, nothing big, threw a crank at them, a beaver bait(reaction innovation), a tube bait, and a skirted twin tail grub on a jig head, all fish hit the jigs. 3 bass by 2am, very slow night, but what the hell it was fun, and I hit the bass and my buddy walked away skunked.......gonna go hit' em again this weekend.

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