Carp Fishing

CARP! If you have ever hooked into a big one, or one that isn't so big. Than you know how much fun carp can be. No they are not jumpers like trout, or small mouth. They are bull nose pullers. They can, and most often do put up one heck of a great fight.

as a young kid, I use to fish for these fish. I even had some luck. Somedays I really got into them. Then as a I got older, into my teen years, I started to concentrate on other fish, you know bass, and other fish. Lately it has been all about trout.

But yesterday, I decided to take my 5 year old out to hit the carp. You see, I know this spot, where they are always at. It's a shallow place, no one I have ever seen is back in this marsh fishing. Kinda a flat, muddy, place where a small creek has flooded. Well they are back there, and last year I tried to get them, but no luck. Yep, skunked by the dumb old carp. Now this can really make you mad, at least, it makes me mad. But that was last year. So I wanted to get my son on some big fish, something he will remember. So I tried, yet again, and guess what? Yep you guessed it, skunked again.

Now any sane man would just give up right? Not in my case, I am gonna go back with a magic dough ball. Yes, I am gonna get my son(me to) on one of those majestic, ugly looking fish.......Hence, this is what a fisherman does, this is the sickness we all carry. Even if we get skunked, we think, "Maybe next cast" or "maybe next time". You see it's all about hope.....yep, hope.

Watch the video. Tight Lines till next time.

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