Feelin' good and giving thanks

The annual TKAA tournament was this weekend and I was lucky enough to have some family help out with my baby and bedrest ridden wife. I know it probably looks pretty bad leaving my poor wife at home to fish. But she knows I've been looking forward to this the whole year and insisted that her sister can help out and she'll be fine. So I guess I'd like to start by thanking my wife and her sister.

Secondly, I'd like to thanks all the people that organized the event. It was a first class tournament and I had a blast. The wind made for some challenging fishing, but it was still better than not fishing! I went out to Lynnhaven inlet since I fished the day before and scoped out some prime areas and saw some huge swirls that I knew had to be redfish. Anyway, I ended the big day with a 19.75" and 18.75" flounder. I had a 12" speckled trout too, but that didn't count for the tourney and the redfish spot I found the day before did not produce like I thought. Oh well. It was still a good day on the water.

I got back to the weigh in and helped to review the contending photos. It was fun to see everybody and put some faces to the names I know from the forums. For all of you that had kind words to say about my posts, pictures and videos, thank you very much. I really enjoy doing it and I hope it motivates you to go out and try it yourself.

I came in third in the flounder division, which was actually a surprise to me. I really didn't think my fish would hold up in such a big crowd.

After looking at it closer, it's actually 20" since I didn't put the nose on the line. I wouldn't have come in second anyway.

I won a Hobie stakeout pole along with several other raffle items including a Roger's western hat, Tilly Airflo hat, gift certificate to Blue Talon Bistro in Williamsburg, and various Aqua Pac accessories. Thanks to all the sponsors that really made the event happen.

On top of everything else, knowing that all the money from the raffles and entry fees go straight to two great causes, had us all feelin' good and giving thanks. Heroes on the Water and Project Healing Waters are really what this is all about. Chad Hoover of Kayak Bass Fishing had a great speech and one of the things that I was able to relate to is when he spoke about how amazing it is for these wounded vets when they feel that freedom and be able to control their movement on the water. I know how I feel when I take those first few paddle strokes of the day. There is definitely something therapeutic about it and I can only imagine how it feels for someone who may have been limited in their movement on land. I am proud to have contributed and plan to help out with HOW's new Central Virginia Chapter as time and family allow.

Once again thank you to everyone that made this happen!

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