Time well spent

The family has been camping on Labor Day weekend for several years now and this weekend was no different. In years past we did Kiptopeke, but in recent years the vote went towards the mountains. Sherando Lake was the spot this time as it came highly recommended by several friends.
It did not let down.

My daughter had a blast and my wife was relaxed. My dog was excited, my mom made amazing food and my dad told stories about his childhood growing up in S. Korea... fishing, messing with snakes n frogs, and stealing melons...

We got to spend a little time on the water and I even wet a line.

I got up pre-dawn one morning with flyrod in hand to check out the second of the two lakes.
With the moon still up...

The sunrise was beautiful...

I caught a couple of these guys.
Which is a lot of fun on the flyrod.

The weather was perfect, the place was beautiful, not much fishing,
but the time spent with family was time well spent.

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