A true story

Once upon a time (yesterday) there was two anglers gone fishing in a boat. They knew not where to go so they went over to the oracle for guidance:

Good evening the oracle said, what you seek I know where to find and you shall go that way. 
And the anglers lowered their cannonballs, herring on treble hooks as sharp as wmc and trolling was the game.
1,7 miles the speed and suddenly:
 The fight was on, carbon fibres was stretched and to the limit it was pushed.
Is this what we seek?
A long and constant outrun, what we seek we have found.

There it is, 31 kg of fat and muscles, the angler was exhousted and a stretch in the need of he was.
The herring paid of and the fishing became a success.

Now we could relax and watch the whales.

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