Coalfish, my season has startet!

A short trip to Saltstraumen yesterday gave me the greatest kick in fishing the last weeks...
I was carrying light, one rod one lure, my beastmaster 12" 50-100gr. and the traditional stingsilda lure 125gram of red and gold colored flat lure. the first cast sent me to heaven with the coalie of the year, the outruns was kind of like an halibut only faster, I fought the fish for about 15 minutes and it was hammering the line like there was no tomorrow. Finally I got the fish into the rocks, but then in the light from my petzl headlight about 10kg coalfish came free from the lure and splashed it`s way down and out from the shore. It`s ok to loose a fish, but not under my own lazyness. Usually I change the original hooks with smaller or bigger trebles depending on the luresize, the mouth of the coalfish is surrounded by soft skin and a big treblehook does not always find its way past this soft tissue. Damn!!!!

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