Where I live the shorelines gives me several great spots for fishing and yesterday I was checking out a new spot that I have been thinking about for a while now, never visited this spot before becouse of the long line of shallow grounds that this aerea consists of but if I dont play I will not get payed.
The winds did not let me get to know the bottom, lost the feeling with the line and the jigs. Always check out the buttom with jigs since they are easier to save if the grounds are covered with rocks or loads of seaweed. The jig always hit the bottom with the hook pointing up. When I search for new spots to shorefish I look at maps and I can use services on the internet such as google earth wich is quite effective. I usually look for places in the terrain that gives me the opportunity to fish close to edges and along some of the shoreline, and this place on the photo is for me perfect exept that it might to shallow for winterfishing since most species seeks to deeper water at this time of year. Can`t help it but the summer is for me freshwater and rivers so I usually loose the best saltwaterfishing but there is nothing like a salmon hitting the fly in a roaring river and I dont want to miss that.

I fished the bottom the best I could, had a couple of hits and this small cod exploded on the shadjig.
I grabbed the camera from under my jacket, and did the best I could do with it as the rain and wind was hammering my back and I needed to get the fish back in to the water quickly. I`ve cought a couple of cods this size the last few weeks and I can see that the quality, condition and colour of the cods I`ve had in shallow water is getting better and better. In the winter you can catch cods of better condition in the shallow water more than in the summer.

This is my regular equipment pack for saltwaterfishing, Shimano baitrunner 10000, my 12" 50-100gr cw beastmaster rod, and the Rapala slingbag wich is perfect for loading up with lures, jigs, leads, hooks and all the rest that I need for a great time at the sea. With this gear I can lurefish and since I use the baitrunner there is no problem beeing flexible with baits. A rod and a reel of this caliber is what I would say is ideal for fishing the sea around Bodø, it provides long casts and lots of power if you run into a great fish such as a 10 kg cod. For more heavier fishing I choose to bring up to 3 rods in a bag and my new tripod, (thanks to the UK anglers). Then I can place a couple of baits on the bottom at the same time as I cover the rest of the water with lures or jigs.

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