Cold days, and it never ends.

I shot this photo a few minutes ago, it shows my backyard seen from the porch on the northside of my house. Take a look at the sky, you see that pink color, reminds me of a char but the color also tell you that to day it is cold outside - to cold for fishing. We are now experiencing -11 on the celsius scale and we have even colder weather coming in a few days. Too bad there has been to little snow and rain before the frost, there are no bay aereas that has frozen over so I am in a lack of saltwater ice to walk and fish on and it is too far to the nearest freshwaterice, cannot leave my home for longer periods or days right now.

Lots of things to do in the days that follows but I might get a chance to fish on sunday, so I will be oiling some reels to avoid them to ice over and pure wool and gore-tex will cover my body and I hope there wont be any winds, that is the worst thing about fishing in this temperature. I will need to preaper the bait and my rigs in a way that there wont be any struggle with it to prevent frozen fingers and I need to wisit some of my spots with deeper water close to shore. luckily, the last weeks I have not been that physical and I have been eating quite much so I have some extra body fat that helps me keep warm -hahaha... I really need this, a few hours of fishing, I really hope everything will go in my direction and I can have my fishing on sunday.

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