Finding the time...

I used to go catfishing all the time. But most of this year, I've been addicted to the salt and even though the James River is minutes from my house and I found myself driving down to the tidewater area a lot. Well, lately, my 7 months pregnant wife, who was recently put on partial bedrest by her doctor, has needed me around more often so I've had to stick close to home. However, as usual, I had a pretty bad hankering for some drag pulling shenanigans. So I got to thinking. I needed someone to watch my 22 month old daughter for a few hours. And after a little brain storming, the light bulb lit up . I owed my wife's 14 year old nephew (Calvin) a fishing trip, so I called his mom to see if he wanted to go and if she could come over and help watch my baby. Bingo bango! She even owed my wife dinner, so everyone was getting what they wanted.

Kind of.

Poor Calvin couldn't get a hook up, but enjoyed watching me pull up a 30" flathead.

But that was it for the afternoon. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery, gorgeous water and each other's company. I promised to take him again soon, since it would be his turn to catch one. The last time I took him, he caught one and I didn't.

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