Bass On Their Beds

I hate the time of year when bass spawn. It makes the fishing lousy. Pre spawn is great, but when the males are on their beds, it really sucks. I went out and hit a great looking pit on Sat. April 24th, and although it looked great, I did not get into any big bass. I hit a couple of small ones, but that was it. I was over cast and rainy. A perfect fishing day, but the fishing Gods did not smile upon me that day...such is the life of a fisherman.

So I am gonna lay off the lakes and ponds for a bit, as far as bass are concerned. ..I am gonna focus on the Catfish and the Carp. Which is what I do this time of year. When the bass get lockjaw, I go after other game......Now I am not saying I won't try to hit one here and there....we will see.

I know that at some point this month(May) I am gonna set foot in the rivers around here....

Tight Lines.


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