Last night(4/29/2009) I went out to a pond, a large 10(est.) acre pond. Next to Westwood lake in Fairborn, Ohio. I showed up at waters edge at 7:20 or there abouts. It had been a little rainy earlier in the day. But the evening was beautiful. Very cool, sunset was awesome. So, I went on down and thru some woods to the pond I wanted to fish, and no one else was there. On the backside of the lake, there are very large rocks coming out from the water. This is and old strip pit. So the water is deep and clear. Not sure if this is park owned or not. Don't really care, I have had my eye on this place for a number of years and don't see people down there. around the pond, lots of ATV tracks and paths. Some debri is scattered here and there, signs of humans about.
I decided to pitch a little beaver bait, brown, green, and black color, on a slider head jig. Turns out this was the trick. I caught several small bass. About 7 in an hour or so, It was awesome. water was perfect, not a ripple anywhere. .......

After some time I knew I had to get outta there and meet my ride which was gonna meet me about a mile back after 9pm........

Adventure Fishing

As I go out fishing, usually in Waders, heading into a stream. I always think to myself, "What kind of adventure will this turn into?". You see, I like to fish. I like to go out and hit the rivers, and streams. I like to hit ponds, lakes, strip pits, honey holes, creeks, and if I am close, even salt water. There is no telling what stuff I can find while out walking the rivers. Some good, some not so good. But going out is always and adventure of sorts. Hence adventure fishing.

I look forward to blogging and getting others to join me in this like minded attempt to share stories, reports, and what not. As long as it is fishing related.

Deep sea pearl fishing

watermark photos sport fishermanSome representations hint at fishing being pursued as a pastime.

In India, the Pandyas, a classical Dravidian Tamil kingdom, were known for the pearl fishery as early as the 1st century BC. Their seaport Tuticorin was known for deep sea pearl fishing.

The paravas, a Tamil caste centred in Tuticorin, developed a rich community because of their pearl trade, navigation knowledge and fisheries.
