Adding A New Team Member

Well he is not new to many people. He is the "other" River Rat. Marshall Hamden will be contributing a few pieces coming soon. Hopefully we can get him to be a full time writer. I will have a full bio on him coming soon. For now you can check him out on our youtube videos.


Tight Lines

New Rig - UL combo

I just received in the mail my new combo from Cabela's a 4'6" Ultralight Combo. Made a short video and am gonna take this setup with me next month to Northern Georgia. We are hiking into the Blue Ridge Mountains to fish the Conasauga River.....more on that later.

Also go to

Equipment Reviews

I am always buying new stuff. Out Door stuff, and some is good and some is bad. Sometimes I read other peoples reviews of the stuff, and think, " This is a shitty review, not enough info". So, I am gonna start putting my reviews up month I will be testing out some new waist high waders, a new ultra light....will keep you all posted.

NW river Ring Perch

I launched out of Bob's Fishing Hole in Chesapeake and went toward the NC border. It took a little while, but when I found them, they were thick.

Tasty River Chicken n Slabs.

Das Gebiet des Feindes

Nach längerer Zwangspause konnte ich mich heute wiedermal durchringen dem Zander nachzustellen. Das Termometer zeigte zwar nur 2°C an, dafür, laut kaum Wind was sich auch als wahr herausstellte.

Am Angelplatz angekommen bot sich mir ein ernüchternder Anblick. Geschätzt 35 Kormorane auf Nahrungssuche... und dies durchaus mit Erfolg .
Nach 1 1/2 Stunden ohne Biss überdachte ich meine Taktik und begab mich ins Gebiet des Feindes. Schließlich jagen Kormorane nicht an fischleeren Stellen - Prompt bekam ich den ersten Biss den jedoch nicht verwerten konnte. Mit neuer Motivation fischte ich jeden Meter gründlich ab... Jedoch ohne weitere Attacken.

Die Kormorane waren weitergezogen, was auch mich dazu bewegte den Angelplatz zu wechseln. Auf ein neues folgte ich dem Feind - diesmal aber mit Erfolg. Dritter Wurf, zwei Meter vor meinen Füssen fährt endlich der ersehnte schlag durch den Blank.
Nach kurzem, doch akut stressigem Drill ,konnte ich einen wohlgenährten 60er Hecht landen. Welch Erlösung !!!

Nach dem Release fischte ich mit breiter Brust noch bis weit in die Dämmerung hinein, doch konnte ich keinen Fisch mehr von den Vorzügen meiner Gummifischln überzeugen.
Kurz vor Schluss machte ich noch eine interessante Entdeckung. Für mich ein ganz klarer Fall von Ozelot...

.... Zufriedenheit ....



During the hours I spend at work in this cold wintermonths I often let my head float away in flyfishing throught the summer under a perfect cloudy sky and great conditions for riverfishing. This is what ends the year for me, flyfishing rivers and freshwater for salmon, trout and char. This is what I call beeing adjusted, recreated and new, ready for autumn and winter.

Seatrout of this size is hard to find and catch. Many hours waiting for the right conditions and searching for activity in the water can often be quite giving.
This is me posing with a 7,6kg seatrout cought in the dusk on a dark fly based only on the silhouette against the sky with an intermidiete tippet shootinghead, only a few centimeters under the surface and the fish took the fly close to the riverbank. This kind of successful fishing can keep me warm just thinking about it during the winter.

This seatrout I believe is the biggest one cought in the river of Saltdal last season and the angler is Åge Kråkmo. An hardcore flyfisher with the great ability of adapting his fishing to almost every condition you can get in the river. The fish with it`s 8,9kg, about 18lbs took the fly in broad daylight. check out the tail, it seems like the fish has been in a fight a some time during its time in the sea, Maybe a seal has been chasing it. This angler is also an expert with wolffish, I guess he would have the WR in big wolffish cought from the shore, and he has several times measured strenght with the awesome halibuts in the fjord of skjerstad and the waters outside of Bodoe.

Today we have another period of cold weather that wont allow me to fish as much and effiecent as I like to do, but that would give me some time to plan the redecorating and rebuilding of our livingrom and bedroom. Carpenting is great but I hate painting so planning the whole operation will take some time, I`ll think about that when my head is not on and about fishing.


Tons of snow. We are getting buried here in Ohio, already had a foot and a half on the ground now we are in the process of getting another 4 to 9 inches....Not getting any fishing done....messing around with my fishing rods and stuff like that...planning a trip next month to Georgia...trout hunting, in the Blue ridge is a new video...also here is a link to our you tube page

Check it out.

30% OFF

Reels on Sale.
Amazing offer 30%

Combo set

Starter pack combo set comes with Rod, reel, hooks, swivels & sets of accessories.

Revo Sx

Abu Garcia Revo SX. (Left hand)

Dear Valued Customers,

Lun Fishing are proudly to announced that we will be opening during Chinese New Year.
Business hours are as usual.

Rimba Branch.
Mon-Sat: 9.00am-9.30pm
Sun : 9.00am-7.00pm
Tel. +6732456303

Bengkurong Branch.
Mon-Sat: 9.30am-9.00pm
Sun : 9.30am-6.30pm
Tel. +6732654055
Thank you all for supporting Lun Fishing.
From the management of Lun Fishing

Kippy Kow Print

Finally, after two snowed-in weekends I finished touching up a couple of Kow prints.

Here's a video too, for size reference. Natalie is my 15 month old daughter. My wife is in there for a brief second and so is my dog.

My first Jerk!

After weeks with temperatures way below freezing it finally seems like the weather is turning and I can do some fishing with an icefree reel and line. My job involves beeing outdoors most of the time and now I`m quite tired of freezing my fingers and toes in all the wind we are disposed of working on top of buildings, working as a thinsmith can be hard in the winter.

To day I bought my first jerkbait, I was thinking about the times when I by chance catch bigger cod right below my feets, this has mostly happened to me around this time of year. I know the cods are feeding on smaller fish or crabs close to shore, so to fish over this last few meeters more effiecent I want to try it with one of theese jerks. If I sink it to about four meters and slowly "jerk" it towards me along the shore then I guess the attractive moves the jerk makes will trigger any cod in sight if I hit the right time and spot. Sounds easy but it takes some time and patience, fortunately I know some spots that are ideal for my experiment. -starting in Saltstraumen.

Usually fishing this close to the shore I will use my flyrod with a huge streamer, but with some of the tight spots found in saltstraumen and with the wind it will be a lot of chaos and tragedy, speycasting with a single hand #12 and a heavy sinking line and huge streamers with big wolfram eyes is not effiecent, it`s more like self mutulation.

Neue Videos auf Youtube

Endlich ist es soweit, nachdem wir den Umzug von Pukersdorf nach Wien erfolgreich hinter uns gebracht hatten, war auch mal wieder Zeit für die Angenehmeren Dinge des Lebens....
Da Fischen wegen Dauerfrost und Ostwind halbwegs ausfiel stürzte ich mich über das Film und Fotomaterial der letzten Monate. Kurz um, 2 neue SUR-fishing Videos auf Youtube !

SUR-fishing "Cabo San Lucas 09"

Kurzes Video von unserem Urlaub in Cabo mit schönen Unterwasseraufnahmen von Dorado und Roosterfish.

SUR-fishing "Season Highlights 09"

Fotoslideshow mit Eindrücken aus der vergangenen Saison. Über 20 verschiedene Fischarten, gefangen an den unterschiedlichsten Gewässern im In und Ausland.

Viel Spass!!!


Daiwa NEW!!!

Daiwa Saltist-Levelwind

Relix Bass Pro
Black & Red c/w left & right hand

Abu Garcia Blue MaXx Baitcasting Reel

Daiwa Freams Kix 4000

Abu Garcia Soron

Daiwa D-Wave NEW!!!

Daiwa Regal Xi 10Ball Bearing

Hemingway Reel c/w Power Handle

SeaHawk RedWolf.

TICA Dynasty

Daiwa MegaForce
This smooth durable baitcaster offers
a host of advanced fishing features,
including Daiwa's revolutionary
Twitchin' Bar™ at a price that will
suit any angler's budget. A simple
touch of the thumb lets you pick
up seven inches of slack line
instantly or impart a subtle
twitching action to a jig or plastic
worm. When the fish are more
active and a fast presentation
is the way to go, the Megaforce®
puts a blazing fast 7.1:1 retrieve
at your fingertips.

Twitchin' Bar™ feature for ultimate finesse fishing and slack line retrieval
Lightweight, free-floating drilled aluminum spool
Five ball bearings, plus two roller bearing
Ultra-fast 7.1:1 gear ratio
Rugged six-point drive train
Magforce® magnetic anti-backlash control
Infinite Anti-Reverse
Soft Touch grips
