Gamakatsu 4X Strong Hook


Tuf Line XP

Western Filament's Tuf Line XP is a small-diameter Spectra® braid designed to lay evenly on the spool. Tuf Line XP is produced under a high-tension process allowing for greater compaction of the fibers, making it stronger than other braids. Tuf Line XP's advanced finishing process also produces a line that boasts higher abrasion resistance and near-zero stretch with excellent knot performance. Color: Moss Green.
Berkley's Gulp! Alive Spray

Berkley's Gulp! Alive Spray Attractant is a quick and easy way to make your bait come alive with a fish-attracting scent that will greatly increase your catch-rate. Effective on soft bait, hard bait and even live bait, this Berkley spray-on fish attractant is like having a blood trail in the water that fish can't refuse chasing and striking.


Motion Eaze

Alta Labs' MotionEaze Motion Sickness Treatment stops motion sickness even after it starts! This all-natural relief takes effect in just five minutes with no drowsiness. Just a drop of MotionEaze behind each ear is all it takes for relief. Manufacturer's money-back guarantee. 5ml bottle contains forty applications. ______________________________________

Salt Away

The saltwater angler's friend, Salt-Away contains ingredients that attack and remove salt from any surface. Pre-treating surfaces helps protect against costly repairs caused by the corrosive action of salt. Works great on motors, fishing equipment, diving gear, boat, and all other surfaces exposed to salt. Biodegradable and non-toxic.

Moon Phases

This is not mumbo jumbo. Pay attention to the phases of the moon. This will increase your chances at hiting the big ones. Tight Lines

This is the link

Good luck, I will post this link every month to keep you all posted. Check back often.

New Link

I just added a new link to a website call under places to visit on this blog. I really linked the site and just thought I would share it with everyone.

Twin Creek, Gemantown Ohio

So off we went to do some shopping at traders world, down by Cincinatti. That was the start of my Saturday, May 15th, 2010. I know, your thinking, "What in the hell does that have to do with fishing?" I went down there with fishing on my mind. But I had to go down there with the girlfriend because I had told her I would spend the day doing things with here that she wanted to do. So off we went at like ten in the morning. Now I walked around this huge flea market with her, all day, had lunch, spent money, you know, shopped. Ain't that a load of crap.

At about 3pm, she was getting tired. You see I had her walking everywhere, keeping a fast pace, wearing her down. This was about the same time a front was moving in and the sky was turning gray and, yep looked like fishing weather to me.(Honestly, every day, no matter the conditions, seems like fishing weather to me). So she said she had seen enough and was ready to hit the road, and I couldn't believe my luck. So we hit 75 north....

Now this was were I need to be cool and show some tact. See that morning I had placed my fishing shit in the trunk of her car without her knowing it. Now I had to mention driving through Germantown, Ohio to check out a park I knew about. Both Germantown Metropark and Twin Creek park are up there, making one really big Park. With Twin Creek running right through them. It eventually empties into the Great Miami River, but not before twisting and turning its way through 3 or 4 Ohio Counties.

So she said she was game, which I thought was really cool. So We headed west off 75 and into Germantown. Now I am a bit off a crazy nut when I get to check out a river that I have never been to....When we got to the park, I was a bit quiet and she knew, my fishing shit was in the back. Because when we pulled up, she asked me why I was smilling so big, then she guessed it when she asked if my stuff was in her trunk. Whick I replied " Ya, I think I put it back there "...

I got out below the dam. The water was up a bit, and it looked great. Just like most small streams here in Ohio. Shallow, flat with a few holes, trees overhanging, making shade. So we hike for a while, fishing rod in hand. I made a few casts here and there, ad as I was headed bck to the car, boom, a got a hit from a nice smallmouth, taking my tube bait... That was sweet, but I couldn't press my luck with my girl because she was being cool. So knowing they were hitting, I walked back with her to the car. Put my stuff away, and ended up driving around the park, and the surrounding area. Now this served to purposes. One, I was just taking a nice country cruise with here making her happy. Two, I was scouting, checking out the river as we kept crossing it on our drive. This way I had a chance to come back and would know where I wanted to hit em at....

Adventure Fishing all the way, no doubt.

SUR-fishing "ready for the weekend?"

Das vergangene Wochenende verbrachte ich mit Kollegen Hademar in Kärnten, natürlich um den einen oder anderen See unsicher zu machen.
Die Wetterprognose hätte kaum schlechter sein können, so machten wir uns aufs Schlimmste gefasst. Mehr Plastik Gewand als Anderes im Gepäck gings zuerst für eine Nacht an den Faakersee. Die Nacht verlief bis auf einen Aussteiger auf Köfi recht ruhig, wenigstens war der Regen ein wenig abgeklungen.
Am nächsten Morgen drehten wir mit dem Boot eine Runde um die Insel des Faakersees und konnten neben einem Hecht

noch 2 nette Barsche an unsere Spinnköder bitten.

Ein zweiter, bissl besserer Hecht verabschiedete sich leider bei einer Sprungeinlage kurz vor dem Boot.
Ein wirklich gutes Ergebnis für gerade mal 3 Stunden Spinnerei und sogar vom Regen blieben wir (fast) verschont.
Der Ansitz am Nachmittag blieb erfolglos, sodass wir uns grillender und chillenderweise die Zeit vertrieben.

Am Abend waren wir in St. Magdalen bei Villach zu einer Sponsionsfeier eingeladen (nochmals Danke @ Lina). Hierzu kann ich mich nur noch begrenzt äußern.... ein rauschendes Fest.....!!!
Wie der Zufall so wollte fand die Party auf einem Seegrundstück mit Steg und jeglichem anderen Comfort statt, sodass wir den nächsten Tag gleich volley von der Party zur Fischerei übergehen konnten. Nun ist der Magdalensee wohl nicht nur schön sondern beherbergt auch einen wiklich tollen Bestand. In den folgenden Stund konnte ich mehrere wirklich schöne Fisch auf die unterschiedlichsten Köder fangen.
Zuerst ging mir ein wirklich dicker Aitel an den gezupften Tauwurm. Gemessen hab ich ihn zwar nicht, aber ich denk es war mein Größter bisher. Auch kämpfte er wirklich stark am leichten Gerät (Berkley Skeletor 2-12g)

Der nächste Fisch, eine Brachsn folgten kurze Zeit später, ebenso ein paar kleinere und größere Barsche.

Hochzufrieden gierte ich nach Abwechslung und begann Spinner und kleine Wobbler zu werfen, in der Hoffnung einen besseren Barsch überzeugen zu können.
Der Regen, der Wind, die Kälte,.... irgendwie hat einfach alles gepasst, und ein paar Würfe später konnte ich nach gutem Drill einen herrlichen Barsch landen.
Dank an Hademar für die tollen Drillaufnahmen!!

Das währe dann der 2te PB innerhalb von nur einer Stunde, a Kurzer und a Hoibe waren die logische Konsequenz......:-))
Das Licht verschwand schneller als erwartet, und ich musste mich richtig beeilen um noch ein paar Würfe vor kompletter Finsterniss anzubringen. Jetzt waren jedoch nicht mehr Spinner angesagt, stattdessen zog ich große Wobbler, Zalts, und Jigs über die Uferkante.
Kurz bevor ich alle Köder durch hatte die ich mir vornahm zu fischen, bekam ich direkt vor meinen Füssen einen brachialen Biss auf einen 2teiligen Xp´s Wobbler im Bafo Design. Ein wilder Drill im schein der Kopflampe resultierte in der Handlandung eines 90cm langen Hechtes. Nicht PB aber verdammt knapp dran an meinem 93er vom letzten Jahr.

Nach dem release ließ ich die Fischerei ruhen, ein besserer Abschluss währe wohl eh nicht zu fangen gewesen.
Zusammenfassend möcht ich nochmal den guten Bestand beider befischter Seen hervorheben, für den ersten Trip an diese Seen bin ich höchst zufrieden.

Natürlich gibt es wieder ein Video mit sehr gelungenen Unterwasseraufnahmen des großen Barsches und auch der anderen Fische.


HRBT, ES shoals, then HRBT again

HRBT Friday night, blues, croakers, dink flounder, stripers, storm with lightning, off the water at midnight.

Saturday, WRO demo day. It was cool to see all the big names. Kevin, Routh, Lozier, Hoover, TKAA, & POL came to represent.
Then went to the Eastern Shore shoals for 5 and a half hours to try for the Bulls. No love. Bite to eat, then HRBT again for the light line action.

Previously injured 22" striper

Strong, healthy, fat 28" striper

Had two other 22" stripers flop off while trying to take pictures.

Tioman Trip 2010-April

Tioman Island is an excellent spot for fun-filled water sports activities.

Fishing enthusiasts can enjoy a bountiful catch at Tioman Island, Just hire a boat for a day, anchor outside the Marine Park limits where fishing is permitted. By dusk, you will have a catch large enough for a sumptuous barbecue on the beach. If you want to try something different and challenging, try your hand at deep-sea fishing. Among the species if fishes and crustaceans found here are groupers, morays, tunas, parrotfish, sea-bass, red snappers, stingrays, plaices, soles, cora trouts, blue marlins, squids, cuttlefish, shrimps, crabs, prawns and lobsters.

This is my trip fishing at Tioman-April 2010

Big Fish Video

Big fish 30 kg - Ketarap-Tioman Trip Fishing

The fjord of Skjerstad

The fjord is well known among anglers in scandinavia and some parts of europe for it`s rich marine life and the powerfull streams in the outlet (Saltstraumen). Years ago the fishing were even greater with more and bigger fish, Wolffish, coalfish, cod... The last ten years it seems like the number of big fish has decreased and also the population of fish. Sadly there has also been established some fishfarms in the fjord and this is wery wery bad and this is in my eyes environmental crime allowed by nobrained politicians. I have been encouraged to write a little shoutout... 

This is one of the farms located in the fjord, here they are polluting the sea with genetically breeded salmon and trout.
There is two things that really mess up marine life, oilspill and fishfarms. Norway is one of the biggest produsers of fish and oil and I am not proud of that. Fishfarming has grown to be necesseary for food since the worlds population is growing with an extreme speed and the need for food is bigger than ever, but if they dont get the facilities out of the water soon there won`t be any marine life left.
And for the energy need, scientists should be gettin their heads into thorium wich is a stabile mineral that could revolutionate todays nuclear facilities and make them totally safe and cheaper so that we can let the oil stay at the bottom of the sea and no oilspills would occure.

Well, back to the fishing. there is one theory that is quite sure, anglers are taking way to much fish that is under the minimum size, and also specially halibut and wolffish is fished up, big and small.
It is important for the local economy to have a tourism industry and I am wery positive to the way this has evolved. But if local anglers and anglers from different parts of scandinavia should continue to fish up small cod, coalfish, halibut, wolffish and other species there will be no fish left for the proffesional C&R anglers that comes to our fjord to fish. During the summers last ten years I have seen lots of bad examples where loads of undersized fish has been packed into freezers in caravans and cars. Also bigger fish is not released after the fight.

The fjord is long (about 100 km) but a bit narrow with the deepest parts of  around 500 meeters 1050 feet. you can think about it like an inshore lake with saltwater, some of the fish, specially halibut and seatrout almost never leaves the fjord, and that makes the overfishing hazardous. So please, come and fish in our waters but I beg of you, be gentle to the fish and let it swim away unharmed after the fight. It`s better to return every year to great fishing instead of no fishing.       

"You've gone completely insane..."

So my wife says.

I just can't get enough.

I wanted to go to the HRBT lightline Friday night, but the wind was a bit too much. So I decided to try the James river for Richmond stripers. After 3 hours and only this dink.....

I called it quits and just as I was getting back to the launch, an old friend called (the kind of friend that you know you shouldn't go drinking with any more because it always leads to trouble). So I met him at the usual watering hole, along with Mr. Jager, Ms. Sauza and Sir Jameson.

Woke up with the usual regrets and did the mother's day weekend. My mom's still in Korea, but made the wife pretty happy.

Monday comes around, checked the weather report, and it sounded reasonable. I got the kitchen pass, but didn't tell her where I was planning on going (HRBT). She got around to asking before I left and I told her. Despite the wifes plea for sanity, I had to go for it. Drove down from Richmond at 6pm. Launched at 7:30. Met NAVYIDC for a bit and started lookin' for the fish. First came the croaker. LOTS of croaker. They wouldn't have been so annoying if they were bigger. Then came the flounder. Probably around 5 or 6. Dropped 3 right at the yak, one of which might have when 17 or 18". All pretty small. Then, finally, I found the stripers in the lightline. They weren't reacting the same to my presentation as they were last tuesday, so I had to keep switching to find what they wanted. By the time I figured it out, the current was slowing down. I managed 7. 18",19",19", 20.5" 22", 23.25"and a 26.25". The blues were pretty damn annoying too. I didn't keep track of how many, but it was a lot; the biggest being 20". Got back home at 4:45. Slept for a bit, up with the baby at 7, then off to work.

Worth it.

Fishing Derby

Why do they call it a fishing derby? That was going through my mind Saturday the 8th of May, 2010.

Ok, So it was cold that morning. Started in the 40's and then up it went to say 50 or so. Windy. I mean really blowing. Cloudy, yucky. Great fishing weather, except, I had a 5 year old with me. witch is not that bad, he is my son and loves all things outdoors, just like me.....

So there we are, at this lake, at a fishing event(Derby) put on by his church. Fun, ya right. These people were with there kids, bobber fishing for blue gills.....So my son, seeing this says to me, " Dad, let's hit the Bass". Sweet music to my ears.

Tube baits. My first thought. As it turns out, we both caught bass with em. Motor oil flake. Right in front of the other people. So sweet....ya we looked like pros.

Adventure Fishing.....yep.
Last weekend I had to take my boat out off the water, I had rented a space in a nearby harbour for one month and the first of may was the last day. Now the person that has a contract for the summer can place his boat there and use it for a couple of days during the summer like he did last year. During april I have had more than 80 hours in my boat and I guess that is way more than many boatowners use their beloved symbol of status during the whole year. My boat is a cheap but practical and well functioned 6 meters of fishing machine that can take on some beating and waves, the captain is only a beginner on the sea and the 130 hp honda comes in handy when I need to evacuate from ruff water.

Over the weekend I`ll need to set out my boat again and then I will place it in Saltstraumen. There is a small fishingcamp (Tuvsjyen). Last year I had my boat there and it is only a short trip away from Skjerstadfjorden where the fishing can be great for most of the species that we find in our waters at this lattitude. And by going through the tight passage between skjerstadfjorden and saltenfjorden there is only minutes away from several great spots for great cods and halibuts. If you are thinking about fishing in Bodoe Tuvsjyen is a great place to start. Boat rental and fishing gear, spots for great coalies, cod and halibut just minutes away, have fun.

Shorefishing is always close to my hart so I will perform this fishing as often as possible. In my parts of Norway you will use several years to cover all aspects of shorefishing with all the species and how to catch them through all seasons. winter is a real challenge for most fishing but if you dare... soon I can start fishing freshwater again for brown trout and char, and the rivers..........

Sagelva with it`s perfect terrain for shallow water fishing.
  Had to post a pic of my girlfriend looking for waking fish in the sea. We were at a great spot in skjerstadfjorden fishing for seatrout couple of years ago, one of the more popular places for this kind of fishing. We allways visit this place to search for seatrout. Small streams of freshwater from the mountains, sandbanks and often lots of herring comes in and makes this place a perfect feeding ground for the fish.   
I always fish with the fly at this place, that makes the fishing perfect.
keep in mind that there is almost three meters of water between low tide and high tide...

Feelin' kinda crazy

Last Friday, I got off work and decided I needed to put some points up on KayakWars. From Richmond I got down to rudee around 9pm and slayed the bluefish on topwater. Had a ton of them with 12 making the cut for KW. Man that was fun. Spent the night at my parents. Then after paddling 10 miles for OpSmile Saturday morning, I booked it over to Rudee to find some more. I ended up with 8 from 2pm to 10ish. Got back to Richmond late that night to do the family thing all day Sunday. Tuesday after work I drove down to the HRBT and fished the light line with Specks and Justin from TKAA. We launched around 8pm and the blues were out in force. Specks and I maxed out our limit for KW and went looking for stripers. I caught up with Justin as he was catching one after another in the light line. I ended up with 6 but 2 of them were too short for KW. I finally got off the water by 3:15 and got home by 4:45. Slept for a couple of hours and off to work.

I figured I would get my time in while I can since it's mother's day weekend coming up and I know I won't be getting any kitchen passes.

Caffeine=my friend

Carp Fishing

CARP! If you have ever hooked into a big one, or one that isn't so big. Than you know how much fun carp can be. No they are not jumpers like trout, or small mouth. They are bull nose pullers. They can, and most often do put up one heck of a great fight.

as a young kid, I use to fish for these fish. I even had some luck. Somedays I really got into them. Then as a I got older, into my teen years, I started to concentrate on other fish, you know bass, and other fish. Lately it has been all about trout.

But yesterday, I decided to take my 5 year old out to hit the carp. You see, I know this spot, where they are always at. It's a shallow place, no one I have ever seen is back in this marsh fishing. Kinda a flat, muddy, place where a small creek has flooded. Well they are back there, and last year I tried to get them, but no luck. Yep, skunked by the dumb old carp. Now this can really make you mad, at least, it makes me mad. But that was last year. So I wanted to get my son on some big fish, something he will remember. So I tried, yet again, and guess what? Yep you guessed it, skunked again.

Now any sane man would just give up right? Not in my case, I am gonna go back with a magic dough ball. Yes, I am gonna get my son(me to) on one of those majestic, ugly looking fish.......Hence, this is what a fisherman does, this is the sickness we all carry. Even if we get skunked, we think, "Maybe next cast" or "maybe next time". You see it's all about hope.....yep, hope.

Watch the video. Tight Lines till next time.
