Black Drum video

This is an older video, just for $hIts n giggles.

Asian carp

CHICAGO – An Asian carp was found for the first time beyond electric barriers meant to keep the voracious invasive species out of the Great Lakes, state and federal officials said Wednesday, prompting renewed calls for swift action to block their advance.

Commercial fishermen landed the 3-foot-long, 20-pound bighead carp in Lake Calumet on Chicago's South Side, about six miles from Lake Michigan, according to the Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee.

Officials said they need more information to determine the significance of the find.

"The threat to the Great Lakes depends on how many have access to the lakes, which depends on how many are in the Chicago waterway right now," said John Rogner, assistant director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

But environmental groups said the discovery leaves no doubt that other Asian carp have breached barriers designed to prevent them from migrating from the Mississippi River system to the Great Lakes and proves the government needs to act faster.

"If the capture of this live fish doesn't confirm the urgency of this problem, nothing will," said Andy Buchsbaum, director of the National Wildlife Federation's Great Lakes office.

Scientists and fishermen fear that if the carp become established in the lakes, they could starve out popular sport species and ruin the region's $7 billion fishing industry. Asian Carp can grow to 4 feet and 100 pounds and eat up to 40 percent of their body weight daily.

Rogner, from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, estimated that the male carp was about 3 to 4 years old. It was caught live but has since been killed and will be sent to the University of Illinois to determine if it was artificially raised or naturally bred.

The fish was sexually mature, but Lake Calumet's conditions aren't conducive to reproduction because the water is too still, Rogner said. Even so, the lake is the ideal living environment for the fish because it's quiet and near a river system, he added.

"It fits the model to a T," he said. "They may be concentrated in that area."

Officials said they'll use electrofishing and netting to remove any Asian carp from the lake.

They have been migrating up the Mississippi and Illinois rivers toward the Great Lakes for decades.

There are no natural connections between the lakes and the Mississippi basin. More than a century ago, engineers linked them with a network of canals and existing rivers to reverse the flow of the Chicago River and keep waste from flowing into Lake Michigan, which Chicago uses for drinking water.

Two electric barriers, which emit pulses to scare the carp away or give a jolt if they proceed, are a last line of defense. The Army corps plans to complete another one this year.

"Is it disturbing? Extraordinarily. Is it surprising? No," Joel Brammeier, president of the Alliance for the Great Lakes, said of the carp's discovery beyond the barriers.

He said the capture highlights the need to permanently sever the link between the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes. The Army Corps is studying alternatives, but says the analysis will take years.

"Invaders will stop at nothing short of bricks and mortar, and time is running short to get that protection in place," Brammeier said.

In Michigan, officials renewed their demand to shut down two shipping locks on the Chicago waterways that could provide a path to Lake Michigan. The U.S. Supreme Court has twice rejected the state's request to order the locks closed, but state Attorney General Mike Cox said he was considering more legal action.

"Responsibility for this potential economic and ecological disaster rests solely with President Obama," Cox said. "He must take action immediately by ordering the locks closed and producing an emergency plan to stop Asian carp from entering Lake Michigan."

A Chicago-based industry coalition called Unlock Our Jobs said the discovery of a single carp did not justify closing the locks. Doing so would damage the region's economy and kill jobs without guaranteeing that carp would be unable to reach the lakes, spokesman Mark Biel said.

"A few isolated incidents of Asian carp in this small section of the Illinois Waterway does not mean existing barriers have failed," said Biel, also executive director of the Chemical Industry Council of Illinois. "Additional regulatory controls and river barriers should be explored before permanent lock closure is even considered."


Flesher reported from New Orleans.

Brookville Lake

Monday June 21st, 2010 - A buddy and i went out the other day to see what was going on at the lake. We had been getting a lot of rain lately, and it has been muggy, humid, and very hot. Not the best circumstances for fishing, but the water was calling, so off we went. Barometer had been steady, and water temps had been up, so we thought the Small Mouth would be really active, but the action was kinda slow. I had a small amount of success, but nothing worth bragging about.

This lake is north of Cincinnati by about 30 miles. It gets a lot of boating traffic. Lots of recreational boaters. Also a fair amount of anglers as well. I have always found this lake a hard lake to figure out. But as with any body of water, if you spend enough time on this lake you will find out her secrets. I am still looking for those secrets. So more research on the water is needed.....

$1-million prize is the one that got away

If a person gets caught fishing without a license, in most cases, it results in a fine of perhaps a few hundred dollars.

For those aboard Citation, however, the infraction represents a setback of nearly $1 million.

The vessel's anglers had been participating in the 52nd annual Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament, June 11-19 off North Carolina. Andy Thomossan landed what was by far the biggest fish: an 883-pound marlin, a tournament record.

The team on Saturday was declared winner of the prestigious competition, and there was plenty of celebration.

However, there also was a post-event lie-detector test, after which it was revealed that one of the hired crew did not possess a valid fishing license, available in North Carolina for only $15, or $30 for non-residents.

That was a violation of tournament rules and after lengthy deliberation, according to Evans Kistler of the Carteret County News-Times, tournament officials late Tuesday disqualified the catch and and denied the Citation team the winning purse.

End of celebration.

"No record. No money. No fish. No nothing. Yep, it's a nice ending to the story isn't it?" Thomossan told the Jacksonville Daily News. "He failed to get a fishing license, but we didn't know it. He told us he had it. He didn't. So you take a man at his word, you know?"

That man is Peter Wann. According to the state's fisheries division, he went out and bought a license after the catch of the monster marlin, bringing more shame to his team. He'll be fined $35 and ordered to pay court costs totaling $125.

The new winners are those who fished aboard the vessel Carnivore and caught the second-largest marlin, weighing 528.3 pounds. They net a grand total of $999,453.

Michael Topp, one of Citation's owners, figured the tournament board would not rule in Citation's favor.

"I think the Big Rock committee is doing what they have to do," he said. "I understand that. I'm a retired colonel. I know about rules."

-- Photo: Angler Andy Thomossan (left) and Capt. Eric Holmes stand alongside 883-pound blue marlin caught during the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament off North Carolina. Credit: Evans Kistler / Carteret County News-Times

SUR-fishing "Trout & Zander"

Hier das Video zu unserem Lake Hopping Trip in Oberösterreich !
Viel Spass


Halibut, halibut, halibut, oooohh, you wonderfull creature!!

As a true norwegian I love fish as food, it can be prepeared in several ways and it`s way better than meat. I have just entered my house and I logged on to break the great news: Two great halibuts in one hour. Me and Aage went out for a couple of hours for some trolling, we decided on halibut. So we hooked some baits (coalfish) in Saltstraumen and set off to some nice and streamy parts of the fjord. earlyer we had a hot tip on where the herring was at theese days and we started trolling. 10 minutes in the fishing Aage lost the first fish on a shadjig, seemed to be a respectable size. We saw lots of clouds on the fishfinder and we continued on concentrating the fishing close by. Half an hour later Aage had contact with a great halibut on the baitrig, we had a speed about 3 miles. We was close to the shore so I was a bit busy manouvering the boat. 15 heavy minutes later there was a sweet, great conditioned halibut with the weight of 40lbs resting on the deck amoungst our feets. The fish took the bait at the depht of about 10 meeters. Two excited men carried on fishing and then 20 minutes on it was my turn. 14 meeters of water and the fish hit my shadjig like there was no tomorrow. My 100gr. jerkbait rod (Beastmaster) was pushed and bend to the limit the next 20 minutes, and it was in and out, out, out. Long and hard outruns, -halibut. 65lbs of flat fish came up to the surface. Today, there were no C&R. I guess I will put on some weight the next couple of days, but this is healthy food for hero`s and vikings. We had a couple of strikes the next hour but nothing that really hooked so we decided that we should head for home port to take care of the fish. THIGHT LINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mad River

We have had so much rain around here, I can't believe I even thought about hitting a river today....

So I pulled up to the Mad River, here in Fairborn, Ohio. Now as soon as I got out of the car and saw the river i knew I was screwed. Talk about swollen, this river was so full of water, that I almost(keyword: almost) got my but back in the car and said hell with it. That is what any normal man would have done. But no not me, I was there and had an hour to waist so why not. It was so muddy, and was spilling over the banks. About 90 degrees, and humid. Bad humid, hard to breathe humid. Why was I out in that crap. Knowing I could not catch a smallmouth in that kinda environment, I tied on a chartreuse spinner with a double blade on it. Hoping for the best, knowing the outcome was not gonna be good. But here is the kicker, while I was pulling on my waders, my cell phone rang. Guess who it was? It was Marshall, the other RiverHunter, calling from Virginia just to say he had video of himself pulling a 19inch smallmouth from the Little New River down there.....yep I knew I wasn't gonna catch a darn thing.....and I didn't.

Water is way to high to do any good. To muddy to say the least. To hot for any sane individual....and as I sit here and write this story, it is raining out, lightning, thundering, and adding even more water to the river that I scouted out today. Just to waste an hour of my time or so( A part of me thinks I didn't waste anytime, as this was a scouting trip, like they all are)....better luck next time.

Tight Lines.

wenn sich alles in Wohlgefallen auflöst....

Das vergangene Wochenende verbrachten ein Großteil der SUR-fishing Bagage auf Seentour in Oberösterreich. Das erste Gewässer das wir uns mal ansehen wollten war der Schwarzensee. Ein höher gelegener Bergsee ohne Badebetrieb, einfach ein Traum. Wir wanderten ein paar Stunden am Ufer entlang und versuchten mit diversen Spinnködern Hecht und Forellen zu fangen.

Wir wanderten ein paar Stunden am Ufer entlang und versuchten mit diversen Spinnködern Hecht und Forellen zu fangen.
Leider konnten wir ausser einem Barsch...
und einer kapitalen Natter....

...leider nur ein kleinen Hecht (no pic) verhaften. Einen starken Hecht, um die 90 cm konnten wir ufernahe am Grund liegen sehen, doch ausser einem halbherzigen Nachgeher war bei diesem Fisch leider nichts zu holen.
Den Abend und die Nacht verbrachten wir am Holzöstersee, einem der wärmsten Badeseen der Oberinnviertler Seenplatte. Zander war hier unser Zielfisch.

Kollege Tobi hatte hier zuvor schon gut gefangen und konnte auch diesesmal seine Erfahrung ausspielen. In der Dämmerung konnte er auf einen dünnblechigen Blinker diesen Zander überlisten.
Am morgen holten wir unsere unangetasteten Köfis ein und gingen ein wenig spinnen. Etwa um 8:00 konnte ich einen Hecht landen, später verlor Tobi an der selben Stelle eine guten ca. 85er nachdem dieser mehrfach in voller Länge aus dem Wasser sprang.

Gefangen auf einen Glider in Rotauge.

Den nächsten Tag sowie den Abend fischten wir an einem herrlichen Kleinen Quellsee in den ein 2km langer Forellenbach mündete. In dem See haben neben Regenbogen und Bachforellen auch Hecht Karpfen Schleie Zander und Saibling einen guten Bestand.

Unter Tags fischten wir mit der Spinngerte auf Hecht und Forelle, und da die Forellen mitspielten, erlebten wir einen Traumtag am Wasser. Gezählt hab ich nicht, aber 20 maßige Forellen werdens schon gewesen sein + ein paar kleine Saiblinge und Refos.

Die einzige maßige Regenbogenforelle, ein toller Kämpfer am leichten Gerät.

Die Forellen spürten wohl das am Abend ein Gewitter kommen würde und schnappten sogar nach Hechtwobblern.

Fips mit makelloser Bachforelle

Alle Fische Standen gut im Futter und schienen sehr selten befischt.

Hademar mit einer richtig Guadn...
Meine Beste des Tages, knappe 50cm und ein super Kämpfer!

Am Abend konnte Kollege Fips noch 2 schöne Zander erwischen. Beide gingen auf tote kleine Rotaugen knapp über Grund präsentiert. Petri Heil Fips!

Das Bild des zweiten Zanders wird nachgereicht...

Es war wiedermal ein herrlicher Kurztrip mit all den Dingen die das Fischerleben so lebenswert machen....


Lynnhaven Reds n Flounder

I got off work a little early Friday, so I drove down to look around the marsh. I drifted for flounder around the tennis courts first and found nothing. By sunset I found myself by one of my favorite spots...

I tossed a chart gulp shad by the grass line and felt it bump along the bottom. I twitch twice and...... BAM!!!
Drag rippin', yak pulling, smile inducing 27"er.

About 3 casts later...

After the sun went down, I lost them. So I tossed out some crab and this 28" beauty couldn't resist.

A little while later...

That was it for friday night.

Saturday, I took my cousin (new to yakfishing) out on the flats. No luck for several hours. We tried everything. He had just one 12" flounder. Towards the end of outgoing tide I found these guys using a spro bucktail. I was crazy happy to finally to find a keeper.

The last months has been rough to me, to little sleep, to much work, boat on the water, shorefishing, gardening, thinking about gardening, not doing any gardening gone fishing. I`m thinking about how to make the house and the garden maintanance free so that I can consentrate on combine family, work and fishing or family, fishing and work. There is a sign on the door to the closet where some of my fishing gear is stored that says: Work is for people who dont know how to fish. I`m quite sure that I do know how to, but there is so many types of fishing and I`m already into so many that there could be a huge problem to learn everything all the way. so I just fish in maners that I know and succeed with.
I have so many ideas about how to and where to, but I need to let something to the years to come and I need to grow in to the role as a parent and learn how to set of time to fish and maintain the house. Planning the fishingtrips better with a more detailed tactics and go to the right spots at the right time for the suitable target at that time. When it comes to shorefishing I have been to so many different places in the district at different times for different targets and if I dig deep enough in my memory and put two and two together then I can be pretty sure of what to fish for at a spot in the conditions I have at that time. 
If I had a marked I would be more than happy to quit my work as a thinsmith and guide full time from the shorelines in and around Bodoe.

It would be great to lead anglers in to great catches in conditions like this. This is from january 09, cold but spectacular.

The winning fish in the competition last weekend was a 10kg seatrout and a 29kg halibut. That size of seatrout is awesome.


und agressiv geben sich zur Zeit die Rapfen an der Donau. Pausenlos wird geraubt, doch da die Schiede im Frühsommer sehr sehr kleiner Beute nachstellen, sind sie mit der Spinnangel garnicht so einfach zu fangen. Lediglich 2 Rapfen konnte ich von meinen Ködern überzeugen,... viele Fehlbisse und Aussteiger wie immer beim Angeln auf die silbernen Sprinter.

Nette Überraschung, eine arschgehakte Nase. Die erste die ich seit Jahren zu Gesicht bekommen habe.

Braunes Supperl

Das Hochwasser in Greifenstein ist immer noch nicht abgeflossen und somit gestaltete sich die Spinnsession recht kurzweilig. Da das Wasser übermäßig dreckig war beschränkte ich mit auf Topwaterköder, dies brachte einen Drillaussteiger und einen sauberen Biss kurz vorm Ufer. Beide male waren es Schiade die den Zara Spook von der Oberfläche pflückten...
Das Wasser wird wohl noch bis übermorgen an die Fischleiter anrinnen, und für den einen oder anderen Fisch gut sein.

Muckendorf war auch noch für 2 Hechte gut. Beide nahmen tote Köderfische knapp unter der Wasseroberfläche


Thats it.

Thats it, to day at 1300 hours the competition is over but after 12 hours of trolling, drifting and about 40 litres of gas yesterday we decided to break up with the competitives and head for home port in saltstraumen. We did not see, smell, hear or feel seatrout and halibut. We did catch a 16lbs cod and a 10lbs coalfish, both on rapalas on the downrig, great fun with light gear but there was no hope for the great prices. I know now that a halibut about 70lbs and a seatrout about 14lbs was cought. Next year we`ll be in it again with a greater plan and more gasoline. I`ll post the final results when I get them. 

Peak Fishing Times & Lunar Phases

Below you will find a link to Junes Lunar Phases and info on best fishing times for the month. Sorry I have to add a link, soon I will be posting the calendars on my page so you won't have to jump to another page.

Hometown Fishing

Sometimes I drive by a stream and wonder why no one ever fished it. I grew up in Richmond, Indiana. Just a small Indiana town, sleepy, not much going on. But, if you like to fish it's a great place to be. One reason I say this is because the East Fork of The Whitewater River flows right thru Richmond. When I was a kid, most people, if they wanted to fish it would just through a worm and bobber and hope for the best. Hope for a catfish or maybe a big ole carp. But the truth of it is, that this part of the river is full of smallmouth. I only know of a few people who ever wade that part of the river, and I guess it's a good thing, because if there were a lot of anglers targeting that part of the river it probably would not be that good. ....Here's the scoop, the East Fork of The Whitewater River has good fishing above and below the resevoir. Period. But it does get a lot of pressure down by Liberty. The West Fork is a better fishery than the East fork, but gets more pressure. In my opinion, south of Richmond all the way thru Abington, is a great stretch. Worth hitting.

I had some time and did just that over the memorial day weekend. I caught 5 smallmouth and a very short amount of time on a very short stretch of the river. Not big ones, but fun stream smallmouth. Check out my short video below.

Competition in the fjord of skjerstad

This weekend the annual seatrout and halibut competition is taking up all the time. We signed up yesterday and went out on the skjerstadfjord at 1900 hours, seatrout was the target for yesterdays trolling, the wind was hard and we had a bit of waves. Wind, rain and hail and the fact that Aage had left his gloves in the car sent us back in to Tuvsjyen. 4 hours of fishing gave us one 13lbs coalfish and a broken wire on the downrigger that resulted in 13lbs of lead and one Scotty climb on the bottom of the fjord. 
We are entering the fjord at 12 O`clock to day for more trolling and if the wind has stopped there might be a chance of halibut.
The weather is coming in from the north and everyone that has grown up in this parts of Norway knows that it`s not good for fishing, but I know that two seatrouts, about 7lbs had been reported in last night, and that is not the end.   
To be continued....

"Do foama Programm..."

Endlich war es soweit, der 1. Juni stand vor der Tür und wir waren wild entschlossen mit einem Fisch in die Saison zu starten.
Überpünktlich, um kurz vor dreiviertel 4:00, am Hauswasser angekommen, machten wir uns erstmal ans Aufbauen bzw Auftauen der Köderfische. 3 Handlange Rotaugen und noch 2 kleinere Barsche should do the job….
Pünktlich flog ein Rotauge in das Loch zu unserer Linken, ein Berschl wiederrum wurde zum Schilf rechterhand geschlenzt und das gespannte Warten konnte beginnen….oder auch nicht, denn kaum hatte ich mich hingesetzt war das Knicklicht untergetaucht und der Schnurbogen spannte sich. Ich konnte es nicht fassen, so schnell hätten wir nie mit einem Biss gerechnet.
Schnell angeschlagen und nach kurzem Drill zeigte sich ein netter 50er Zander.

Dank schnellem Anhieb hing der Fisch seeeeehhrrr weit vorne…

Der schöne Start in den Tag wurde mit einem augiebigen Mannerschnittenfrühstück gefeiert, wirklich eine feine Sache,……
Weiter als zum dritten Schnittal bin ich nicht gekommen denn die Grundrute meldet einen flotten Biss. Wieder gleich geheftet und auch dieses Mal hing der Fisch. Schnell war klar das es diesmal kein Zander war….

Die nächsten 2 Stunden waren die besten die ich beim Angeln mit Köderfisch je hatte.
Recht bald waren unsere Köfis aufgebraucht, auch die 4-5 die wir noch fangen konnten wurden verbraucht.

Endbilanz, 4 Zander bis 60cm 4 Hechte bis 65cm, 3 Attacken beim Einholen auf den Schwimmer (einer einfach abgebissen) und 3-4 Bisse die nicht hängen blieben da wir immer gleich anschlugen.
Solch einen Kurzansitz hatte ich noch nie erlebt, gut vier Bisse pro Stunde, es war einfach ein Traum !

