The StillWater River - West Milton, OHIO

Canoe Fishing, is one of the best ways to take on a river. When searching for small mouth bass, floating by rip rap and rocks in a canoe allows you the chance to cover more of the river than you could by wading it. It's fun, great exercise, and a great way to spend the day.

This is what we did Tuesday August 7th 2010. We drove up to West Milton, Ohio. Rented a canoe from the local Livery, and floated 5 river miles downstream. Casting soft plastics, spinners, and jigs. Soft plastic 4inch worms seemed to work the best that day. But a few were taken on inline spinners as well.

My buddy and I took out my 5 year old son. It was a great day, the fishing was a bit slow, but just being out there made all seem well.


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